17 | 105

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It was seven in the morning and I was already in the car on my way to a flower market. I ended up getting an assortment of red, pink and white roses. I also managed to hurt my finger on one of the thorns, but that's ok because I'm manly.

When I got to the campus it was 7:40 and Jess would be here in 10 minutes, I need to move fast.

"Hey umm I forgot my locker combination can you open my locker for me?" I nicely asked the janitor and he nodded telling me to lead the way. After he opened the locker I thanked him and put everything in and closed the locker right on time. Jess, Zoe and Alex made their way over.

"Hey matt" Zoe and Alex said in unison.

"Hello girls. What, no hello's from Jessica today?" I asked.

"Hello Matt" she smiled walking to her locker. My smile dropped as she walked pass the locker I put the stuff in.

"Wait I thought your locker was 105" I said trying to sound as normal as I could.

"No it's 106, why?" She smiled. Well because I probably just asked some random person to homecoming.

What if it's a dude?

"No reason" I told her smiling.

"Here comes the wicked witch of the west" Alex rolled her eyes. I turned around and it was Megan. Relax matt, maybe she's just here to say hi.

"Hey Matty" she tried to flirt with me. Megan walked to her locker, the one next to Jess, which is 105, shoot.

Should I start to write my will?

"Oh my gosh" Megan gasped which earned confused looks from the girls. She grabbed the note and read it allowed.

"It would make me beary happy if you came to homecoming with me! -Your one and only, Matthew Espinosa" Megan reached for the flowers and smiled. Then she gave me a hug and it took everything for me not to push her off 'accidentally.'

"Matt of course I will go to homecoming with you" she kissed my cheek.

Mental note to look up how to disinfect your face.

"Jess" Megan said, I could feel her smirking.

"Can you take a picture of us?"

"sure" Jess said.

Why do I always mess up. I put on my best fake smile for the picture. Jess handed Megan her phone back before walking away.

"See you later baby" Megan kissed my cheek away before telling all her friends, leaving me alone to think about what just happened.



What the heck was that? It was so tense and awkward. I could tell that Matt was probably the most uncomfortable out of all of us. After that situation the bell rang so I just decided to head over to math class.

"Jess wait up!" I heard someone call me. I tuned around and saw Matt sprinting over towards me.


"I swear I wasn't asking Megan out to homecoming, I put the flowers in the wrong locker and-"

"Matt's it's ok, I believe you." I replied.

"Wait, really?" He looked bewildered.

"Yes" I smiled.

"Ok I'm glad we got that figured out" he nervously laughed.

"Yeah, same. So who were you going to ask if it wasn't Megan?" I questioned.

"Oh well um, you see I-" he was stuttering before Megan yelled.

"Matty!" She walked over.

"Come on we have a lot to talk about if we're going to homecoming together!" and with that I was walking to class alone.


"Would it be wrong of me to bring two girls to homecoming or?" Spencer said trying to make me laugh.

"Spencer go with Alex, don't worry about me. I'll be fine" I told him.

"But what are you going to do?" He frowned.

"I don't know, homework?" I shrugged.

"Jesssss" Spencer dragged out the 's'.

"Spencerrrrr" I mimicked him.

"You are not going to be doing homework on homecoming" he protested.

"It's not like it's prom" I tried to reason with him.

"Just promise me you won't be home alone because that won't be fun" he frowned again.

"Ok I'll just go to Jupiter" I joked.

"I'm serious"

"I am too"

lol no I'm not.

Before he could keep arguing with me the teacher walked in and class started.


The day went by quickly and slowly at the same time. It was Friday anyways so I didn't really mind.

"Hey bae want to go to starbucks?" Zoe walked over and sat next to me.

"You're so basic how are we friends?" I laughed.

"Because opposites attract." She said in a duh tone.

"True, but I'm going to take a rain check. Ok?" I hope she wouldn't mind.

"Yeah totally I'll see you later?" She asked.

"Yup!" I got up and hugged her.

When I drove home I saw that my mom wasn't here. Might as well get some homework done right? After an hour of procrastinating and just staring at the wall, I got up and went to my room.

Shoot I just remembered I was suppose to do the photography thing with matt. I walked to his house and his mom answered the door.

"Hello Jessica! Matt isn't home right now he went somewhere with this girl, Morgan, no what was her name? Oh Megan!" She said.

"Ohh ok umm when he gets back could you tell him that I came by?" I asked.

"Of course" she smiled. I nodded and began to walk back to my house.


Facetime from Matt the brat my phone rang.

I got up off of my bed and grabbed my phone.


"Jessica I'm so sorry I forgot about the photography project can we do it another day?" Matt rushed his words.

"Yeah it's totally fine. Where were you?" I said trying not to be nosey, but I just couldn't help it.

"Megan wanted me to come dress shopping with her so we could be matching for homecoming" he looked away from the camera. It was quiet for a few seconds, why is this happening.

"Well I guess I'll see you soon?" Matt asked.

"Yeah, umm bye" I said and then ended the call.

What was that?


Hey Guys!

I'm very sorry that I didn't update on Sunday. I thought I would have time, but it just slipped my mind. So to make up for it I tried to make this chapter a little longer than usual.

Who has been playing Shawn's new album 24/7 because I know I have! It's sooo good!!! One of my favorites from his album is "I Don't Even Know Your Name" what's yours?

See you all next Friday and I hope you have a great spring break/long weekend!


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