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"Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up!" Matt shook my shoulder in attempt to get me up.

"I'm up," I roll over and face Matt. He had a big smile on his face and I retuned a smile back. "Goodmorning."

"You're so cute, I wish we could stay in bed all day and cuddle, but we can't because we are meeting Mr. Harvard in a few hours so lets get dressed." Matt jumps out of bed and gets some clothes out of his suitcase.

I walked into the bathroom to brush my teeth and put on some makeup. Nothing much, just a little mascara and lipgloss. Considering March on the East Coast is much colder than March on the West Coast, I brought a pair of brown combat boots, blue skinny jeans, a black sweater, a red infinity scarf and an army green coat. To be honest I was still freezing with all those layers on.

Matt wanted to look professional and put together for his interview so he wore a button up shirt, a sweater on top and some kaki pants

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Matt wanted to look professional and put together for his interview so he wore a button up shirt, a sweater on top and some kaki pants. It was around eleven in the morning and Matt was starving so we decided to go to the brunch in the lobby of the hotel we were staying at.

"Are you ready?" I asked Matt as we sat down.

"Yes and no. I've been ready my whole life, but now that today is actually the day, it's nervewracking. You know?"

I nod in response even though I don't really know what he's trying to say. The brunch was a buffet style with a lot of different foods. I went up and grabbed a plate. There were so many options, it was so overwhelming. I ended up getting a cup of fruit. Matt on the other hand picked up a box of cereal, scrambled eggs, and some bacon.

"Are you okay? You didn't grab much food, Jessica." Matt looked worried.

"I'm okay, just not too hungry."

Once we were done, we took an Uber over to the building where Matt would be meeting James Harvard. It was now twelve-thirty and his appointment wasn't until one. The uber dropped us off at Central Park and we decided to take a quick stroll. It wasn't supposed to be that cold out today, but I was freezing. You know when you have chills and just can't stop shivering? Well for some reason that was me today. Matt could tell and he stopped walking and turned to me.

"Are you sure you're okay? Maybe you're getting a cold. Do you want to go back? I could call-"

"Matt!" I interrupted him. "I'm okay, I promise. This is your day and I'm not going to let the weather become a problem. You've been waiting for this forever."

"Okay." He hesitantly smiled. It was almost time for Matt's interview so we started walking over to the building. We shortly arrived and walked up to the receptionist.

"Hello do you have an appointment?" the lady asked.

"Yes, one o'clock with James Harvard," Matt spoke. The lady did some typing and then told us to sit down and wait a few minutes. Matt kept bouncing his leg up and down and looked all around the room, you would tell he was nervous.

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