20 | Ya Lyin!

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Doesn't this chapter title bring back memories? No? Okay..


Matt decided to let go of me last night and replaced me with a pillow. He also got up to go to the bathroom, but walked into the wall instead.

It was now 6 in the morning and I was getting breakfast ready before we had to get to school. I was making scrambled eggs and bacon when all of a sudden I looked over at the couch and Matt wasn't there. He was probably getting ready.

"BOO!" Matt yelled in my ear and tasered me.

(A/n: one time my friend tasered me and I fell to the ground lol ok keep reading)

"Oh my god!" The eggs went flying into the air and landed on the floor.

"No, the food!! Why?!" Matt dramatically fell to his knees and fake cried.

"Go get dressed and I'll make you more." I laughed.

"Ok!" Matt ran upstairs like a 5 year old.


"So the isotopes are the change in atomic mass and the ions are the change in electrons in the element. Remember that the atomic number, which is also the protons never change or that will change the element. I know this is review, but I just want to make sure you're all on the same page when we start getting more into the periodic table in the next few weeks. Ok class I'll see you tomorrow and your homework should be up on the website before the end of the day. Have a great rest the day!" My science teacher dismissed our class.

I guess we were suppose to take notes because that's what everyone was doing, except me. I could barely see the board. It was blurry, but only in one eye and I have this pounding headache that started earlier this morning. My science teacher looks like he is missing an arm and it looks like a big chunk of the board is missing. Great way to start the week right?

"I don't think I've ever been so bored in my life" Zoe and I walked out of the building.

"Yeah, same." I said.

"Jess are you feeling ok you look kinda pale." Zoe looked concerned.

"No, I think I feel a migraine coming on. I'm going to head over to the nurse" I told her. I hate getting migraines, it feels like one side of my head is getting hit with a bowling ball repeatedly. If that isn't bad enough I get migraines like every other month or two, it runs in my family. They randomly show up and make my day pretty bad.

"Hello ladies." Matt and Spencer strolled over.

"Hey Matt or Spencer, can you take Jess to the nurse? I would but I have to get to my next class." Zoe asked the two guys.

"I will, what happened?" Matt seemed worried.

"migraine?" Spencer asked.

"Yeah, but it's a normal thing now." I told him. Matt gave all of us some weird look.

"Last time I checked migraines aren't normal." he chuckled.

"For Jess they are, she gets them quite frequently. I would stay and chat, but I have to get to class. Feel better Jess and thanks Matt." Zoe said before walking off to class with Spencer.

"So this happens a lot?" Matt asked.

"Yeah it runs in my family." I told him. When we got to the nurse she had me lay down in a dark, quiet room. Matt decided to come too, mostly because he didn't want to go to math class.

"I think you should go home, but you can't drive yourself, it's not safe." The nurse said.

"I can drive her." Matt offered.

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