39 | I Love You

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"We should go back to my house and study," Matt says as we walk out to the parking lot.

"As much as I would love to study," I put air quotes around studying because I'm sure Matt doesn't want to actually study, "I have to go see Boss. I haven't ridden him in almost a week."

"Baby," he drags the word out. Matt knows that nicknames like that have a weird spell on me, but that's not the point.

"Matt we can study tomorrow, I promise," I lay a hand on his shoulder and smile.

"Are you really choosing a horse instead of your boyfriend," he tries to fight the smirk creeping onto his face.


"Fine, but Boss is going to have some tough competition in the future."

"Alright I'll see you tomorrow then," I give Matt a hug and proceed to my car. As so as I get in my phone starts to ring.


"Hi Jessica, it's Robin please come to the barn," she sounded a little down it the dumps.

"I was just about to go right now. Is everything okay?"

"Um, no. I'll see you in a few," she says and hangs up. I have no idea what that was about, but now I have a sickening feeling in my stomach. I don't like to go with my gut feelings, but most of the time they are right. I really hope whatever she's worried about isn't that bad.

I turn into the long driveway and when I approach the barn I see the vet is here. Maybe a horse has colic? I grab my phone and walk into the barn.

Equestrians build great friendships with their horses. So much of this unique friendship is based on trust. Over time you trust the horse and the horse will trust you. You may get thrown, kicked or bit, but every time the horse sees you come back, he knows that you have accepted the life lessons he has decided to throw in your path. He is your friend, he is your pet, he is the reason you smile, but above all those great traits, he is still a wild animal. In better terms, unpredictable. You never know what will be put in your path until it's there.
What has been thrown at my eyes at this very moment is the last thing I would ever want to see. It's heart stopping, and my path has been blasted into bits and pieces that will never fully go back together.

"Oh my god, what-what happened," I run over to the scene. Boss is lying down with vets all around him and this is perhaps the worst and most frightening thing I've ever witnessed. I want to rip my heart out because of the pounding in my ears along with the tightening feeling in my chest.

"Jessica," Robin starts, "the vets thinks that a while ago Boss ate some kind of poisonous weed. It has been slowly hurting his brain over a long period of time and it spread to his front right leg this past week. I mean his leg has been on and off as you know, but it's worse than we thought."

"Is there anything we can do to save him?" I'm surprisingly calm, but that's mostly because I don't know how to feel right now.

"We're willing to try and do surgery, but we don't know if he would make a 100% recovery. There's a good chance he would still be living with some pain in his leg," she sighs. I can tell it's hard for her too.

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