21 | Turn back the Clocks

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"So we're all going this weekend right?" Spencer asked us.

"Yeah I think it will be really fun!" Alex cheers. This weekend it's suppose to be 95°F so Alex, Zoe, Spencer, Matt, Drake and I are going to Spencer's house after school tomorrow; and then the beach to go tubing, snorkeling and a bunch of other water sports on Saturday.

"If only it were Friday" Matt sighed.

"It's Thursday, I think you can manage until tomorrow afternoon." Drake laughed at him.

"What class do you have now?" I asked Alex.

"Math, you?"


"with meeee!" Zoe ease dropped.

"Bonjour!" Alex said pronouncing it poorly, but I don't blame her; she takes Spanish.

"Bonjour comment ça va?" Zoe asked.

"Uhh no hablo?" Alex shrugged which caused us to laugh at her attempt to speak French.

"See you guys later." We all left to get to class.


"Pleaseeee? Please, please, please, please, pleaseeee?" Matt kept following me around. He forgot to bring his lunch and money so he wants me to buy him food.

"Why can't I just give you some of mine?" I asked remembering I made a turkey sandwich this morning.

"Well umm... I-I ate it?" He scratched the back of his neck and looked away.

"Did you really? Matthewww," I whined, I was really looking forward to that sandwich.

"Hey in my defense it was a very good sandwich!" He put his arms up.

"Well then I guess I'll have to buy you and me lunch now." I grabbed my wallet out of my bag.

"Thank you babe." He hugged me and pulled us off to the cafeteria.


*Friday afternoon*

"Ok so we'll meet all of you at Spencer's house in half an hour." Matt and I went home to get stuff to sleep over, and bathing suits for Saturday.

"How much are you bringing?" Matt looked at my huge Vera Bradley bag.

"Just the essentials" I said putting pajamas in. I grabbed some makeup and put it in my toiletry bag, then into the bag.

"No." Matt frowned. "You don't need all of that" he reached into my bag and took the makeup out.

"Haha very funny." I went to grab the toiletry bag, but he threw it across the room. Before running across to get it before I did.

"Matt please give that to me." I sat down on my bed.

"Give me one good reason why I should." He held the bag.

"Because I'm ugly without it" I half joked.

"No you're not." Matt walked over and sat next to me. "You're just as beautiful with makeup on as without, maybe even prettier; if that is possible. I don't want you saying you're ugly, deal?" He held his pinky out.

"Ok" I wrapped my pinky around his.

"Good, now let's go to my house so we can get going, I pack much faster than you." He grabbed my bag and walked out of the room.


Matt was right though, he did finish getting ready before me; but he also just threw stuff into his bag instead of folding it.

"Ready?" He smiled.

"Yup" I smiled back. We took Matt's car and I told him how to get to Spencer's. He lives right on the beach so it's really convenient. When we got there Matt offered to take my bag along with his and Spencer greeted us.

"Woah you have a nice place dude!" Matt looked at the view of the beach.

"Thanks man" Spencer replied. Tonight should be fun...


Hey guys !

You probably think this update is over, but I wouldn't do that to you. Keep reading! :D

"So what should we do?" Drake asked no one in particular.

"We should play a game," Zoe suggested.

"What are the odds" Alex and I said together. So many people play truth or dare, that gets boring.

"Ok who wants to go first?" Spencer looked around.

"I will" Matt said audaciously.

"Ok what are the odds... You have to.." I took a second to think. "Go jump into the ocean fully clothed." "One, two, three, 2!"

"1! Yes!" Matt pumped his fists up, happy that he wouldn't be jumping in the freezing water, or so I'm guessing it's freezing.

"Alex, what are the odds that you have to dump a whole jar of honey on your head?" Zoe asked. "One, two, three 3!"

"2! Oh my god thank the lord!" Alex relaxed.

"Jess what are the odds that you have to go tubing tomorrow?" Drake asked. "One, two, three, 3"

"3! Dang it!" I flopped down on the couch.

"What's wrong with tubing?" Matt asked.

"She's afraid" Alex laughed. '

"Shut up!" I threw a pillow at her face, laughing.

"There's nothing to be afraid of, I'll be right by your side" Matt put his arm around me. "There's absolutely no reason to worry about the sharks and snapping turtles that could be swimming under us."

"Matt!" I pushed him over and he started laughing.

After half an hour more of this we decided to watch some horror movie called Babadook; it wasn't horrifying, in fact some parts were actually funny. Even though it was pretty bad and I'm not much of a movie watcher it's the time that I get to spend with my friends that make it worth it. One day, when we're all older I hope none of us forget what we were like now. That actually gives me an idea.

"Guys" I got their attention.

"I was thinking and I'm not sure about you all, but I want to remember what we were all like right now when we grow up," I started off. "Which led me to thinking 'Hey why not make a time capsule and put something in there' to remember us as teenagers because we're as young as we'll ever be right now."

"That sounds like a cool idea!" Spencer said and others nodded in agreement.

"Ok so how about we all go to my house Sunday and put something in?"

"That's a great idea Jess! I'm already thinking of some ideas." Zoe seemed excited.

"What do you think Matt?" Drake asked. No response. We all looked over and Matt was under a desk sleeping.

"Well it is 4:30 in the morning, I don't blame him." Alex laughed and we all decided to get some rest before we hit the beach in a few hours.
Hello people of earth!

Ok this is the actual end of the chapter. I hope you liked it :)

If you were to put something in a time capsule and open it 30 years later what would you want to put in? I think I would put in a few pictures of some fun memories.

Let's play a game! I'm sure you've all heard of this, except I'm changing it a little. It's a four word story, so I will start off by saying four words and we will make a random story with only four words per person and you can add on to the story as much as you want, just not all at the same time.

Ok let's, start; eggs, bacon, grits, keep it going ! Haha just kidding.

One day there was... (Continue here)

Ok see you all next Friday Au Revoir !

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