44 | Carriage Ride

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"What do you mean you're in Paris, Texas?!" I spoke into my phone. "Didn't you read the sign before leaving?"

"No, my ticket said Paris and the person told me to get on the plane, so I did."

"So are your parents with you or did they go to France?" I asked, shocked that this even happened to her.

"My parents are in the right place. I called them as soon as I landed and they're so mad at me. I need to buy another plane ticket. This is so frustrating, I can't believe I did-" Zoe stopped mid sentence.

"Zo? Are you still there?"

"Look at Megan's tweet. Now. I have to go, but I'll talk to you once this is all figured out. Bye, love you Jess have fun in NYC." and with that Zoe hung up. I wonder what could be so important on Megan's Twitter, but whatever it is I can tell it won't be good. I clicked on the blue and white app and searched Megan's username. I see what Zoe was talking about now.

"meganxma: That will teach you to be less of a clutz next time :)"

"oh my god," I said to myself.

"What is it, love?" Matt looked over at me.

"I think Megan purposely changed Zoe's flight to France because she's currently in Paris, Texas."

"Oh my god, that's horrible," Matt shook his head.

"Yeah, but I don't want to ruin your big week with this, I can talk to Zoe later. What do you want to do after we get to the hotel?" I asked Matt.

"Uhhh can we go to Central Park and go on a carriage ride? I've always wanted to do that!" So that's what we did. After Matt and I got to our hotel, we put our belongings away and headed out to Central Park. I enjoyed New York, it's nice if you've never been because most of the street names are numbers so you'll almost never get lost. Plus walking around makes getting around much easier than bringing your own transportation or trying to grab a cab.

"Look there are some horses!" Matt pointed over to where five horses were dressed up with funky little hats and harnesses that were attached to the carriage. He dragged us over to the gray horse with a royal purple harness. "Hello, how much are carriage rides?" Matt asked the tiny man standing next to the horse.

"The long route is a hundred-forty and the short route is eighty-five," he said as if that sounded like a normal price. I guess we really are in New York City.

"What's the time difference between the two routes?" I asked.

"Long route is forty-five minutes and the short route is thirty."

"What do you want to do?" I asked Matt. He thought for a few minutes before pulling out his wallet.

"We'll take the long route please," he handed him the money.

"Thank you very much, climb on in!" The man exclaimed. "So where are you two from?"

"Los Angeles," I replied looking around the park. "What about you sir?"

"Born and raised in Queens," he proudly said. "What brings you to the east coast?"

"I have an acting opportunity and some people wanted me to come out here," Matt replied to his question.

Once the carriage ride was over Matt made the man take a picture of us with the horse. After we decided to continue strolling down the streets. We went to The Plaza, where Eloise at the Plaza had been filmed years ago. It was one of my favorite movies of all time when I was younger. When we walked in, sadly it had changed a lot since the filming, but there were certain places in the building that resembled the movie. It was really exciting to be here, there were so many pictures of the cartoon version of Eloise and even an Eloise gift shop.

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