15 | Coming to Homecoming?

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"Good morning everyone" my homeroom teacher said. "Remember Homecoming is this Sunday and it will be held at the Majestic Ballroom from 7pm-10pm. Alright that's all, you're free to go. Have a good day" she smiled and we all exited the room.

"I'm excited for homecoming, and it will be even better if someone asks me to go." Zoe laughed.

"I'm pretty sure every guy here would be lining up to bring you to homecoming." Alex said and I agreed.

"Yeah well I'm pretty sure Matt will ask you Jess" Zoe smirked.

"Only friends" I rolled my eyes.

"For now" Alex wiggled her eyebrows.

"Oh my god you guys are ridiculous" I laughed.

"What class do you have now?" Zoe asked me.

"Uh I think math" I was still getting use to my schedule.

"With matt!" Alex grinned.

"And Spencer" I said.

"They'll be dating soon, just wait" Zoe said to Alex.


"Can you believe homecoming is coming up so quickly?" Spencer asked me.

"Yeah they made it like a week or two earlier this year. Do you know who you're going to ask yet?" I was curious.

"Probably Alex, you know, just as friends" he laughed.

"Bringing your best friend to homecoming is bomb" I said and Spencer nodded agreeing with me.

"Helloooo" matt came and sat next to us.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Drake needs our help to ask a girl to homecoming" he said.

"Awww that's so cute" I smiled.

"I told him that after school all of us, plus Alex and Zoe would meet him by that pond thing you showed me last week. Sound good?" Matt asked us and we both nodded.


At the end of the day we all met up by the pond and Drake came ten minutes later. That's typical though, him being late to his own meeting.

"Ok here's the plan" drake jumped right into it. "So I was thinking that we could tidy up the music room, Jess and Spencer could you both play Thinking Out Loud?" He asked and we both nodded. "Ok and Zoe and Alex I need you to make a really big poster that says, 'Can I take you into my loving arms and kiss you under the light of a thousand stars at homecoming?' And then matt there are a bunch of star decorations from last year's play can you help put those around the room? They glow in the dark."

"This is so romantic" Zoe said.

"Only one question" Matt spoke up.

"What?" He asked.

"Who's the lucky girl?"

"Rachel?" I smirked and he turned pink.

"Haha he's blushing" Spencer laughed.

"Yes" he smiled. He and Rachel have been dating for about two years now and they are adorable.

"She'll love it bro" matt gave him a pat on the back.

"So when do we start and when is this going to be?" Alex asked.

"I already cleared it up with Mr. Hutchinson so we will start tomorrow after school and this will take place on Thursday after school" drake said.


It was about 10 at night and I was getting a FaceTime from Zoe.

"Hey-" I began, but she cut me off.

"IGOTASKEDTOHOMECOMING" she said very fast and I couldn't understand.

"Repeat that, but slower" I told her.

"I got asked to homecoming!" She couldn't stop smiling.

"Oh my gosh tell me all the details!" I yelled.

"Ok so I was just sitting in my room when I heard something hit my balcony door so I went over and Jackson was in my backyard with this really big sign that said 'Every king needs a queen, homecoming?' And he had roses in his hand and it was great!" She smiled.

"Oh my gosh I'm so happy" I cheered.

"I'm beyond happy right now oh my god" she kept smiling and I was truly happy for her.

"I'm so happy for you, but I have to go I'll see you tomorrow!" I spoke into the phone.

"Ok bye!!!" she hung up. A lot of people have been asked to homecoming so far, maybe 75% of the juniors? I mean everyone has known since the start of the school year, which has been like a week, but that's none of my business. Last year I went with Spencer, you know, like the just as best friends kinda thing? I decided to stop thinking about it and turned on some music to fall asleep.


A/N: Hey guys! Sorry I didn't update on Friday, but I'm here now :)

Did anyone see the Jack's this weekend?

Stitches is such a good song omg I can't stop listening to it! Who got tickets to Shawn's tour? If you did congraulations! :)

Ok see you later xoxo

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