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"So catch me up on your life," my dad smiled as he sipped his coffee as I did the same with my hot chocolate. We were currently at Panera; one of my favorite places.

"Well Boss has been great, we did pretty well at finals. Although I'm not sure if he will be able to advance with me this coming show season," I try not to think about having to abandon Boss after all our great accomplishments.

"What do you mean," my dad asked not knowing horse talk.

"Boss is a little on the older side of life and I do not think he will be able to do what I need for next year. I am advancing, but Boss might not to able too," I tried to clarify.

"Ohh that's too bad to hear. You have had that horse for a good four years and have accomplished a lot. Poor Boss," he sympathized with me. "Are you on the hunt for a new horse or not yet?"

"Not yet, but soon," I took another sip of hot chocolate. He just nodded.

"How's school? Anything exciting happening? Boyfriends I need to interview?"

I laughed at the interviewing part a little too much. My dad has always been protective, but considering I haven't been in an actual relationship until now, I have no idea if he is serious or not. "School's good; nothing exciting happening, like usual and umm I may have a boyfriend," the last part came out as a question.

"What's his name," here we go.

"Matthew Espinosa."

"How did you meet him?"


"Is he treating you well?"


"Are you happy?"


"I still have no idea who this Matthew kid is so I'm not sure how to feel about it, but if he makes you happy that's one of the most important things to me. If he hurts you in anyways, tell me and I'll be on the next plane to LA."

"Deal," I pinky swore with him.

"So how are your friends doing?"

"They're good, a little crazy, but I can always count on them when I need to," I smile thinking of how lucky I am to have the friends I do.


After going to Panera, my dad drove around and gave me a little personal refresher of the beautiful city I would never not love. There are so many differences between these two states. For one, the weather, I love the changing of leaves in autumn. It's like someone took a paint brush and painted a personality to each tree. I could do without the extremely cold temperatures, but there's nothing I can do about that. Another thing I love is the city, the building are so tall and there are so many of them. LA can't have tall buildings because of potential earthquakes. We build out, instead of up. I'm not really sure which one I would favor over the other. What I do know is that if you took one of them away I wouldn't survive.

As day grew into night I decided to start my homework for the weekend because do you ever just love homework so much that you take it on vacation with you? Not me. If I get it all done tonight then I can relax for the next two days. Surprisingly jet lag hasn't hit me too hard- oh it's one am, never mind. All of a sudden I hear my phone ring and look over to see that Matt was trying to FaceTime me. I might as well accept the call, I was getting bored of homework anyways.

"Hi baby," he exclaims. I don't know why, but nicknames like that give me butterflies.

"Hi Matt," I waved into the camera. I need to come up with a nickname for him.

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