07 | Surprise?

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I'm still in shock at what just happened, like I don't even fully comprehend. I put the peppermint tea inside my mug and walked up to my room, but Matt wasn't there. The pillows on my bed were now on the floor again, but I ignored it.

"Matt where did you go?" I asked myself, I swear he's five. Looking around, I saw the door to my balcony was open. So that's where he was, I'm so stupid.

"I see you threw my pillows onto the ground again" I said startling him because he jumped a bit.

"Did you pick them up?" He smirked.

"Nope" I took a sip of my tea.

"Well that's different" he said.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

He's thinking about bagels what do you think Jess..

"Just watching the sun set, come sit with me" he patted the small cushioned couch that he was sitting on and I gladly accepted considering it was my balcony.

"This is a great view, and it's really relaxing" he took deep breaths. How could this boy have so many personalities? One minute he's the devil and next he's the angel.

"So where was your dad tonight?" Matt asked out of no where.

"Umm my parents are divorced" I looked down and started playing with my charm bracelet that my dad bought me before he moved.

"Ohh Jess i'm so sorry I didn't mean- I mean I didn't know i-" Matt was trying to find a way to apologize.

"Matt it's okay" I gave him a reassuring smile.

"Oh ok, do you want to um talk about it?" He looked down at his hands.

"Not really, sorry" it's not that I didn't want to tell him, it's just that I've only known him for two days.

"It's totally fine with me don't be sorry" he replied. From there on it was quiet, a relaxing one not an awkward one.

There was a small breeze and the weather was perfect as I saw the sun start to hide behind the clouds causing the sky to turn into shades of red, pink, orange, and yellow. It was like a picture in a painting, and to make it even better there was a plane flying over the sun. I've always been one to love plane rides. The rush of the takeoff, building become ants, and when I'm up in the clouds I can just forget about the stress in my life and relax, to escape reality. It's also another way to get closer to loved ones I lost along the way.

Matt and I were just sitting there watching the sun set when something caught my eye. He was fumbling with something in his pocket. I thought he was getting out his phone, but I was very far off. When he pulled it out it was the last thing I expected, cigarettes. I guess he saw me starring because he held the box out and asked if I wanted one...



Sorry for the short update, but I hope the BIG cliff hanger will make up for it!

Since I have a long weekend I will post the next update sometime before Tuesday evening :)

oh and also, don't do drugs, hug a pug !


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