29 | Zebras & Baseballs?

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Matt: do you want to go to the zoo?

Jessica: no.

Matt: okay I'll be over in a few minutes. Can't wait to see the zebras !

Ok so I guess I have to get out of bed now. After removing the blankets I stretched out like a starfish and continued with my morning. French toast and some orange juice sound like a good idea. I pushed myself up onto the counter to reach for a cup.

Short people problems.

I was about to start the stove when someone knocked on the door. Stupid people who think they are better then food. Hell no, food is life.

"Good morning sleepy head," Matt walked in. "What's for breakfast?"

"French toast, do you want some?"



"Thanks for inviting us to the zoo with you guys!" Matt and I thought that it would be more fun to have everyone come. Alex and Drake were busy, but Zoe and Spencer came with for the day.

"No problem," Matt gave them a thumbs up as he was driving.

"Do we have to pay to get into the zoo," I asked no one in particular.

"I don't think so," Spencer answered.

"Where should we go first?"


"ZEBRAS!" Matt jumped up and down.

"Okay, on one condition."

"That is?"

"Give me a piggyback ride!" I jumped on his back.

"To the zebras we go!" Matt yelled and started jogging.


After the zoo, Spencer decided that we should go back to his house and play baseball.

"Do you have a right handed glove?" I looked in his bin of gloves, but only found left handed gloves.

"No one in my family throws with their left hand so no, sorry."

"Just use the left hand glove," Zoe handed one to me.


"Who wants to be at bat?" Spencer asked.

"Me," Zoe took the bat from his hands.

Spencer, Matt and I all went to the outfield as we waiting for Zoe to hit the ball. The first time Zoe swung at the ball she missed, but the second time it went flying into the air. Matt went in front of me so I guess he was going to catch the ball. At least that was the plan; Matt was a little too short and the ball came directly at me. I put my left hand into the air to catch the ball, but somehow I misjudged it and the ball hit my nose and the top of my mouth. Matt and Spencer came running towards me.

"Are you okay- Oh nope she has a bloody nose," Spencer said.

"Jess sit down and tilt your head up," Matt told me and walked away. I kneeled on the ground and looked up to the sky. Matt came back with some tissues and gave them to me.

"Come on I'll take you inside," Spencer helped me up. "Keep your head tilted up. Guys put the stuff away, we will be right back."

Spencer and I walked into the kitchen and I sat down at the table.

"Here take a sip of water and spit it out into the trash. You have some blood in your mouth," he handed me a water bottle. "Did you not see the ball come towards you?"

"No I saw it, but I misjudged the distance and yeah," I drank some more water.

"Look up for me," Spencer said while wiping the blood off of my nose. "Are you dizzy, nauseous, or do you have a headache?"

"No, no and no."

"Does it hurt?"

"A little."

"Just don't blow your nose for a little while or else it will start bleeding again."

"Since when do you know all of these doctor things?"

"Jess, this isn't rocket science," Spencer laughed.

We went back outside and Zoe came running towards me.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry are you okay? I feel so bad now," she wrapped her arms around me.

"Yes I'm okay, but my nose is numb." I laughed.

(A/n this is actually what happened to me at camp today :/ I'm very clumsy)

"I think we should probably go inside before any more of us get hit with a baseball," Matt joked around.

"I'm hungry," Matt blurted out.

"Hi hungry I'm Spencer," Spencer decided to be a wise guy.

"Haha very funny."

Zoe went into the kitchen to make some sandwiches while everyone else sat on the couch. While Zoe was making the food, I decided to get some gold fish. As I went back to sit down Matt took my goldfish and began to eat them.

"Umm excuse you," I put my hand on my hip for emphasis.

"You're excused," he continued to eat the goldfish. "Do you want some?" Matt extended the bowl to Spencer.

"Don't mind if I do," he replied.

After our dinner we all left to go home. Matt and I carpooled and we were currently stuck in traffic.

"Hey Jess?"


"Never mind," Matt said.

"No what is it? I'm curious."

"It's nothing, I'll tell you another day."

I decided to let it go because we were both tired and I didn't feel like getting into an argument with Matt. After a few minutes we arrived at my house.

"Thank you for bringing me home," I unbuckled my seatbelt and got out of the car.





Hey guys!!

Sorry for a shorter chapter than usual I've been extremely busy this summer yet I haven't done a lot of exciting things.

I went to the 1989 tour and it was AMAZING! Shawn was amazing and he sang songs from handwritten and scmalapxndkwpsp. Taylor was outstanding, I was very impressed! The whole this was awesome. I bought a Taylor swift shirt and a Shawn flag :)

And today at camp I was playing baseball with the other counselors and a baseball hit my face and I got a bloody nose, but I'm all good now !! #warrior

I hope you all have a fantastic weekend and I'll update again asap!


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