24 | Road Trip

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"And then the dog tried to jump over the fence but he face planted instead" Spencer was telling us about some vine he's currently obsessed with. "It was hilarious," he kept laughing. I would be laughing along with everyone else, but I have so much on my mind.

I've been down at the barn for the past few weeks working to get ready for finals this weekend. Thinking about all these horse shows make me sick to my stomach, it's not that I don't like doing them, it's just my nerves getting the best of me. It probably doesn't help that I don't get home until six-ish and it finish my homework at midnight. Even thinking about it makes me feel nauseous.

"Hello?" Matt waved his hand in front of my face.

"What?" I asked looking around the cafeteria.

"I asked if you were okay."

"Yeah, just stressed"

"bout what?" Why is he so nosy?

"Homework, finals this weekend, the usual."

"Can I come to finals?" Matt smiled.

"Yeah, of course, you can all come if you'd like."

"I think having all your friends there to support you would make you less nervous," Alex pat my shoulder. "Or more" she added and I gave her a playful glare.

"Eat your lunch, you've barely touched it." Drake pointed to the bowl of chicken noodle soup in front of me. I ate a little soup just to make them happy.

Whenever I get nervous I lose my appetite which is pretty bad for show days because I usually go the whole day without eating. One time Alex force fed me goldfish at a show, I rather not remember that.

"So when do we leave and where are finals?" Matt asked.

"We leave Friday after school, so in two days, we stay until Sunday afternoon and it's a three hour drive up." I told him.

"Yes road trip!" Matt cheered. I looked around the table and everyone except Matt was looking back at me.

"Last one to say 'not it' has to drive up, not it!" I said very fast.

"Not it" Zoe and Spencer said followed by Alex and Drake.

"Wha-not it, dang it" Matt pouted.

"Sorry Matt" I laughed.

"Mmhmm" he bit into his cupcake.


"No I don't want to do homework!" Matt ran around the house almost knocking down my mom in the process.

"Does he have an off button?" My mother laughed to herself.

"I hope so" I replied.

"Hope what?!" He walked up behind me.

"I hope you do your homework before I make you leave" I joked.

"Fine" he rolled his eyes before walking over to his backpack. Thankfully Matt listened and we did our homework for three hours straight with no interruptions.

"That wasn't so bad now was it?" I turned to look at Matt.

"No it wasn't bad, it was torture."

"So my brother is having a birthday celebration and I want to know if you would like to come" Matt played with a pencil.

"When is it?"

"First Thursday of October, so, a week from tomorrow."


"Wait, before you agree I just want you to know that you have to get dressed up, we're going to some fancy place."

"That's ok with me anything else I should know?"

"No... Wait yes. We should match, do you want to wear a pink dress or a blue one?"


"That works too," Matt started laughing, which caused me to laugh as well. "Your bed is really comfortable, did you know that?"

"Yes Matt, I wouldn't have gotten it if it weren't comfortable." I lied down next to him.

"I'm so tired" Matt rubbed his eyes.

"Take a nap," I suggested.

"Ok" He snuggled into my pillows, getting comfortable.

*ring ring. ring ring*

Matt's phone rang.

"Hlo?" Matt mumbled. "No im seeping," he said into the receiver. "Fine." He hung up. "I have to get home now."

"Aww is it past Matty's curfew?" I made fun of him.

"Ha ha very funny," he rolled his eyes. "I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnight Jessica," he smiled.

"Goodnight Matt."


"Who's ready?!" Matt literally screamed as we all left my driveway and headed on our way to finals.

"He does know that we usually just sleep the whole time right?" Zoe asked.

"No, but I think he'll get the gist" I pointed to Spencer, Drake and Alex who were already sleeping.

"Are you excited?" She asked.

"Yeah I hope Boss and I do well!"

"Obviously you will, you're a perfect match. Remember last year you got twenty-seventh out of eighty-one people?!"

"Yeah, but that was last year. This is now."

"I'm sure you'll do fantastic!" Zoe smiled.

"No don't jinx it!!"


"Jess is this the hotel on the right?" Matt pointed to a Marriott Hotel.

"Yeah. Guys wake up!" I threw my pillow in the back seats, hitting Drake in the face, oops. "we're here!" I said once everyone was awake. After we parked the car and got all of our bags I walked up to the person at the front desk.

"Hi, reservations for Jessica Peterson." I politely smiled at the man.

"Two rooms?" He checked, making sure he had the correct information.


"The first room is on the third floor, room 302 and the second room is on the fifth floor, room 510. Enjoy your stay."

"Thank you" I took the swipe keys.

"Ok so let's all get ready and go out to dinner somewhere?" Alex suggested and we all agreed.

I hope all goes well this weekend.


Hey guys, Sorry for the short chapter.

Tomorrow is my first horse show of the season tomorrow and I'm wicked nervous but very excited.

QOTD: Who's still in school and who's out of school?

AOTD: I'm out of school, thank goodness.

I hope you all have a great Saturday and I'll see you next Friday :)


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