16 | Goals af

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Nothing exciting really happened in school today, a few more people got asked to homecoming. Oh I almost forgot; Spencer asked Alex to homecoming with flowers and a beautiful necklace, of course she said yes.

Everyone was in the music room transforming it for Drake. Matt and Drake covered the whole room in black cloth so the glow in the dark stars would show up better. Apparently this was all going to be done in the dark except for a spot light on Rachel and him. Defiantly a homecoming goal in my opinion.

"Hey let's hear some music, it will make this funner" matt said.

"Did you really just say funner?" I laughed.

"Yes" he stuck his tongue out.

"Play Something Big by-" Alex started to speak, but Matt interrupted her.

"SHAWN!" matt exclaimed.

"Matthew are you shawn af?" Zoe laughed.

"No Shawn is me af" he smiled. We all continued helping fix the music room up until it was 6pm and we were done.

"Thank you guys! This means so much to me and I hope it works out well" Drake said grabbing his backpack.

"It was nothing" and "you're welcome's" filled the room.

"Jess!" someone called me and I turned around to see matt running up to catch up with me.

"Hey" I smiled.

"Want to come to my house to do homework?" He asked.


"when are we going to do the photography project?" He asked.

"Well since you won't tell me what your doing on Saturday how about Friday?" I asked.

"That sounds good to me" he agreed. When we got to Matt's house and I think he forgot his keys because he checked his pockets, and then rechecked them again.

"Missing something?" I laughed.

"Yeah um I forgot my keys" he nervously laughed. Then he got on the ground and opened the mail slot in the door. "Burnie?" He called.

"Matt what is the dog going to do?" I asked.

"Oh wait he's coming over, Burnie hey buddy can you-no come back ugh" he got back up.

"My place?" I asked.

"Your place" he repeated. When we got to the house my mom wasn't home, like usual. I brought matt up to my room and we started doing our homework.

"Ugh I'm bored how long as we been doing this for?" Matt asked flopping onto my bed.

"5 minutes?" I laughed.

"Five minutes too long" he groaned.

"Come on it's not that hard" I told him walking up to my bed trying to pull him off. When I grabbed his hand in attempt to get him off my bed he pulled me in.

"Matt come on the faster we finish the more time we'll have to just hang around" but he didn't move. I tried to get up, but he tightened his grip.

"Hey Jess?" He asked looking at me.

"Yes Matthew?" I replied.

"I really have to pee" he smiled.

"GET OFF MY BED" I kicked him and he started laughing. Once Matt returned from his "magical journey" I made him actually work on his homework and we finished in three hours.

"I'm hungry" he whined.

"You're needy" I mimicked him. I made both of us a pasta salad and then went to the living room to watch tv. By the time the show was over it was 10pm.

"Hey I have to go my mom wants me back home" he said. Matt went to get his backpack and then came back downstairs.

"Bye matt this was fun, we should do it again" I suggested.

"Defiantly" he nodded. When he left I went to get ready for bed, tomorrow is Thursday, you've almost survived the first full week of school Jess.



I couldn't seem to focus this whole day, I was nervous to see if Rachel would like how I asked her to homecoming. My friends kept me sane, but the time has come. I put a note in Rachel's locker telling her that she left something in the music room. I heard the door open and waited for Rachel.

"Hello? Is anyone in here- woah" She must have seen the glow in the dark stars. Jess and Spencer started playing Thinking Out Loud and was shinning a light on the sign Alex and Zoe made.

"Who did this?" She asked.

"Me" I walked out from behind the wall smiling. "So will you?" I asked.

"A thousand times yes" she smiled and took the flowers. The lights turned on and Rachel saw all everyone here. "Oh my god, you did this all? Thank you so much" she looked very happy.

"Anything for you" I smiled.

"Homecoming goals" I heard Jess say and we all laughed. I guess I didn't have anything to worry about in the first place.


"Hey drake!" I heard matt say.

"Hey man" I gave him a high five.

"I need advice, I want to invite this girl to homecoming, but I'm not creative like you" he said.

"Ok who are you asking to homecoming?" I asked him.

"A girl"

"Matt, elaborate" I laughed.

"Jess." he said.

"Ok, umm I would write a cute note and slip it in her locker with chocolate, a little stuffed animal and some flowers, the janitor can open the locker for you just say you forgot your combination" I told him.

"Good idea, thanks man" he said and walked away.


After school today I drove my car to a shop and bought a cute little stuffed animal bear that held a heart. I also bought a small box of chocolate and wrote a note that said "It would make me beary happy if you came to homecoming with me!" I know, I know it's cheesy, but it's the thought that counts right? I was going to buy her the flowers tomorrow morning on my way to school so they would be fresher.


Hey guys! How's everyone doing on this fine Friday night? I'm so sorry I didn't update last Friday and just giving you a heads up I won't be updating next Friday night either because I'm having a friend sleepover because we're going to try and meet Jack and Jack the next day!! But I will update that coming Sunday night. (April 12th)

I hope you guys all have a happy Easter if you celebrate Easter and I hope you all had a good Passover today :)

Again I hope you all have a great weekend <3


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