37 | Flights

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A/n: you're probably wondering, "why the heck are there so many watermarks on this picture? Well long story short, people have taken my pictures and said they were theirs so I didn't feel like having that happen so I put a watermark on the photo OKAY ENJOY THE UPDATE!


"So what do you want to do? Homework, make food, go for a walk, get food, watch tv, get food, listen to music, get food?"

"Not sure, but my conscience is telling me that we should get food," I sarcastically said.

"Oh my god same here, it's like you can read my mind," Alex played along. "So when are you going to MA?"

"Tomorrow." My dad wanted me to visit so why not miss just one day of school to go see him?

"Ugh I wish you could bring me with you, I've never been before," Alex went into my fridge.

"It's a pretty long flight and it will be freezing out there," I tried to make it sound less interesting.

"But there's snow! I can't believe that I'm saying this, but I've never seen snow before."

"Maybe next time you can come with," I offered.

"Yes please! Do you need me drive you to the airport tomorrow? Perhaps hide in your bag," she drifted off.

"Very funny, but no. Spencer's taking me."

"No Matt? Where has he been? I swear I haven't had an actual conversation with him in two weeks. I know that isn't a lot, but still," Alex stated.

"Maybe he's just a little stressed."

"What would there be to stress about? We already has midterms and it only the third week of January."

"I don't know, he's Matt why does he do anything," I joke.

"You have a point there. So, how about that food," Alex poked my arm.

"Fine, lets go before you die of hunger."


"Hey, thanks for bringing me to the airport," I greet Spencer as I open his car door.

"Anything for my friends." We pull out of the school parking lot and onto the freeway. "So what are you going to do there?"

"Not really sure; catch up with my dad, go shopping."

"Bring me back a souvenir please," he smiled.

"We'll see," I sassed him. About five minutes later we were in front of my terminal.

"I'm gonna miss you," he reached over the console to give me a hug.

"I'll miss you too," I said before getting out of the car to get my backpack and luggage.

"Call me when you get there."

"Okay," I smiled before rolling my luggage away from his car. I walked through the automatic sliding doors and up to the counter.

"Hello, what flight are you taking?" The man asked.

"Flight 384 to Boston."

"Okay, please put your bag on the scale and here is your boarding pass." I did as I was told to see that my bag weight 37 pounds, lighter than my backpack for school. Going through security is brutal, but luckily I'm go through TSA pre-check.

"Walk through," the lady waved her hand at me. I walked through and didn't beep, thank goodness.

As I waited for my backpack to come through the conveyer belt I watched another security guard looking at the items going through on a computer screen. It's cool looking through the screen and how our technology can be used to look through other people's bags. Okay that's a little creepy now that I think of it. The conveyer belt stopped and the guy zoomed in on someone's bag, he looked at the screen closely. Yikes, I wouldn't like to be that person if someone has to go through their bag. A few seconds later the conveyer belt started moving and the guy proceeded to reach in and grab a bag, my backpack. Love my luck.

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