02 | Coffee Incident

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I was looking down at my phone while walking when all of a sudden I bumped into a boy holding a coffee and spilt it all over him.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry" I said not knowing what to do. My face was probably as red as a tomato, way to start off the year right?

"It's fine" the guy laughed.

I didn't recognize him, maybe he was new? Oh great you spilt coffee on the new kid. He had brown hair up in a quiff, was very tall, maybe around 5'10 or 11, and brown eyes.

"Hi I'm Jessica what's your name?" I smiled.

"I'm Matthew" he flashed a smile right back.

"Are you new here?"

"Yeah I move here from Virginia over the summer" he told me.

"uh where's the bathroom? I want to try to get this coffee off my shirt" Matthew looked at his shirt and now empty cup of coffee.

"It's down the hall your first-" I got interrupted by Megan, miss popular.

Megan was about 5'6 bright blue eyes, and long blonde hair with caramel highlights. She got everything she wanted and all the boys went for her, to bad they haven't found out the sad little game she plays. Megan will date them for a week and then dump them like nothing ever happened.

"Hi I'm Megan" she shoved her hand in his face. I had to look away or else I'd start laughing.

"Uh hi Megan, I'm Matthew. Hey Jessica where is the bathroom again?" He looked at me.

"It's over-" before I could finish Megan dropped her books on my foot.

"Oops I'm so clumsy" she gave me a fake laugh and turned back to Matthew.

"Here I'll show you where the bathroom is, Jess looks a little busy" she started to pull Matthew away.

"Wait, Jessica are you okay?" He asked.

"yeah, I'm fine, they're just books, Megan will show you where the bathroom is" I told him. When they started walking away Megan looked back at me with a smirk.

I don't know why she's the one smirking I have all her books...

Collide - Matthew Espinosa FanfictionUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum