34 | Vacation

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a/n: this picture will make sense later in the chapter


Why is it so cold in the winter? People on the east coast have it all wrong. It's not 90° fahrenheit all year round. The weather actually gets pretty cold, like in the 60's and then there's wind to make it colder. I really shouldn't complain though, most of New England gets much worse than we do. They get temperatures as low as single digits sometimes and a ton of snow. I heard from my dad that last year Boston got over eight feet of snow. Imagine how cool that would have been to make eight foot tall snow forts? I don't care how old I am, I will always make snow forts. You know, if I lived in New England.

I'm currently walking to school for the last mid-term before winter break and I couldn't be more excited. Unfortunately it was history, one of my hardest subject. Alex and I studied together, but that didn't help much. I entered the building and walked into the classroom where we would be taking the exam. I took a seat next to Alex who was playing some game on her phone.

"Hey," I whispered. "You ready for this exam?"

"Yes, are you?"

"I hope so."

"I was talking to Zoe and we wanted to know if getting a manicure and going shopping to start off vacation sounded like a good plan to you," Alex grinned.

"That sounds like a fantastic idea," I said before the teacher came in.

"Hello everyone. Here are your exams, please pass them down the rows. Don't start them until I have said you are allowed and you have two hours to take this," he said as he passed five tests to the first person in each row. Once everyone had a test in front of them he said that we could begin. There were fifty terms, thirty multiple choice, and we had to write a two, front and back, page essays. The best part of all? I could only remember ten percent of it.

*two agonizing hours later*

I stood up and handed my paper to our teacher. The whole time he was just staring at us while we took our tests. He didn't bring a newspaper or anything in. I have to admit it was a little un-comforting to look up at the clock and see your teacher staring at you.

"Thank you Jessica and have a great winter vacation," he took my exam.

"You too," I sweetly smiled before taking my phone out of my bag as soon as I was out of the classroom.

Zoe: let's all meet in the commons and leave there

Alex: okay I'm on my way

Jessica: sounds good

I closed the group chat seeing that I had another message.

Matthew: how was your history exam? I bet you ate it.

Matthew: axed*

Matthew: ACED**

Jessica: idk ://

Matthew: I'm sure you did well.

Jessica: how did yours go?

"It went well," Matt said in my ear, which scared the crap out of me. "Hi," he had a goofy grin on his face. "What are you doing today?"

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