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October 9, 2015 was written at the top of my blank essay. In world history we're writing an eight page paper that will count for ninety-five percent of this term.

I've been sitting in front of my computer for a good two hours looking up information about the history of dance styles when my phone buzzed on my desk.

Zoe: come Halloween shopping with me and Alex!

Jessica: •___________•

Zoe: Alex and I* -_-

Jessica: I would love to but history is stressing me out

Zoe: you can't say no

Jessica: why?

Zoe: because we're in front of your house...

"I really should be working on that essay," I felt guilty for ditching homework to go shopping.

"Come on you have two months to write the essay!" Zoe said, emphasizing "two months."

"It's a long process," I argued.

"So is shopping," Alex said.

Every Halloween Drake invites the whole grade to his house for a Halloween party and if you come without a costume you might as well show up in your underwear.

"How do you like this?" Zoe held up a bobby soxer costume.

"Oh I like that!" I gave her a thumbs up.

"Guys I'm not feeling so great," Alex walked over to us.

"What's wrong?" Zoe and I asked at the same time.

"My stomach hurts and I think I might have a fever," Alex groaned.

"Want to come back to my place?" I asked and she nodded.

Zoe bought herself the costume before we headed out and back to the car. I hopped in the backseat with Alex while Zoe drove home.

"Slow down I feel sick," Alex said while massaging her temples.

It was a long ride home considering anytime we hit a bump Alex would yell at Zoe to go slower, but we made it. I helped Alex out of the car and into my house. Zoe had to go home so it's just the two of us.

"Do you want some tea or anything?"

"Can I have some tea please?"

"Yeah" I walked into the kitchen and heated up some water. I grabbed a mug out of the cabinet before hearing my name being called. Which caused me to drop and break the mug.

Aww I loved that mug.

I walked back into the living room before seeing Alex curled up in a ball on the ground.

"Alex what happened?!" I crouched besides her. Alex didn't say anything, but the pain on her face said it all.

I got up and grabbed my phone and ran back into the room to see that Alex was dry heaving. This made me extremely nervous. I was hyperventilating and could feel warm tears running down my cheeks. If I didn't calm down I would probably make this worse for Alex than it has to be.

I'm not sure if many people know this, but I can't handle situations like this well. I freakout and get all worked up, it's not very pretty. Even when I was younger and my mom was sick, I would get nervous and distract myself by watching tv. I'm just one of those people who feels sick if others around me are sick. You know?

Collide - Matthew Espinosa FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now