31 | Imagination

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"I want to ask Jessica to be my girlfriend," Matt nervously fidgeted with his hands.

"Wait how am I involved with this?" Seeing that Matt asking Jessica to be his girlfriend had nothing to do with me.

"Well you and Jess are really close and I wanted to know if you thought it would be a good idea."

"So why is he here?" I pointed to Spencer.

"He wanted me to make him lasagna."

"So what do you guys think?"

"Well I think that you should make that lasagna of yours because I'm starving," Spencer said.

"Not about the food! About Jess and I," Matt rolled his eyes.

"Umm I uhh think that you two would be a bad couple," I gulped.

"W-wait really?" Matt had a look of shock and sadness on his face.

"No I'm messing with you," I laughed at his expression.

"I hate you, why would you do that to me," Matt lightly laughed as his face turned a rosy shade of pink. "But seriously; do you think we would be a good couple?"

"Yes, I think this would be good for Jess."


He thought about it for a second before saying, "I think it would be good for her too. I'm sure you already know this, but if you don't I'm telling you now. Jess deserves the world and nothing less. She's been to hell and back and it's not my story to tell so I'm not going to say anything, but just trust me. We've been good friends for a while now and I think of her as my little sister. I'm very protective over her."

"Thanks guys I just need to ask you one more thing," Matt sat up.

"How do I make lasagna?"


Mid-terms are getting closer and closer while my head is pounding from all the information I'm storing in it.

"Okay Jessica, you can do this," I gave myself a little pep-talk.

*buzz buzz*

"Ughhh," I groaned, picking up my phone.

Matt: hola :)

Jessica: hey

Matt: you looked beautiful today

Jessica: you didn't see me

Matt: or did i ;)

Matt: just kidding. I don't have to see you to know that you looked beautiful

Matt: Jessica ¿

Matt: hello ..

Matt: yeah can you buy the ointment before you come home tonight?

Jessica: ....


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