22 | Welcome Aboard

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"WHO'S READY TO HAVE SOME FUN?!" Zoe screamed, running through the house.

"Meee!" Matt ran around too. We all changed into our bathing suits and headed towards the beach. It was 9am, the sun was already up, the sand felt great beneath my feet and the weather was perfect; today is going to be great.

"Jess!" Matt waved me over to the umbrella where he placed his stuff in the sand. "Can you put this sunblock on my back?" He handed me the bottle.

"Sure," I squeezed the lotion onto my hand; when I looked up Matt was pulling his shirt up over his head.

Dear god.

I started rubbing it onto his back and felt him tense under my hand. "Cold?" I laughed.

After rubbing the lotion into his back, I practically dragged him into the ocean with me. "I thought most girls didn't like to swim, and just wanted to tan." Matt referred to the common stereotype.

"I'm not most girls" I smiled.

"That is true" he looked up at the sun. "Wow today looks like a great day to be out!" Matt pointed out around five more cars that drove by, probably on their way to the beach as well.

"Yeah! So do you want to come tubing with me?" I was hoping he'd say yes.

"I thought you were scared." Matt scrunched his eyebrows.

"I was.. Well I am, but I cannot life in fear can I?"

"You're right. Ok let's go! I don't mean to brag, but I'm a professional tuber" Matt bragged before he and I raced back to everyone else, telling them where we were going. Both of us walked the beach until we got to a little hut that had pictures of different water sports on it.

"Hi we'd like to go tubing," I smiled at the young lady.

"That will be $30 each," she didn't bother to look up.

"Well damn" Matt whispered to me. I gave her the money and she told us where to go. "She didn't seem like she was in a good mood." Matt looked back to make sure she couldn't hear us.

"I probably wouldn't be either if it was this nice out and I was sitting on the beach, but couldn't enjoy myself." I felt bad for the girl.

We walked to another hut that was a tad bigger that the last one. "Hello guys! I heard that you were coming to go tubing. I just need you to fill out this form that says we aren't responsible for any injuries or death while using our water sports. Also please leave behind any belongings you don't want to get lost." This girl was in a better mood. After Matt and I signed the forms we got life jackets and walked over to the raft tied to a small motorboat.

"Hey dudes! I'll be pulling you along today. Just some things to go over; please hold on tight, thumbs up means faster, thumbs down means stop and in the middle means stay the same. Now let's have some fun!" The guy got into the boat and we got onto the tube. "Ready?!" He yelled. Matt and I both gave him a thumbs up and we started going, fast.

"Isn't this fun?" Matt yelled at me.

"Yeah!" I yelled back despite all the salt water getting in my eyes.

"How are we doing back there?" The guy yelled looking back. I decided to give him a thumbs up and he nodded. I didn't think it was possible, but we went faster. Ahead of us was another boat going the other way, creating a wave.

"Hold on tight!" Matt said as we approached the wave. Before I could comprehend what was happening the tube became air born and Matt flew off, so much for being a pro.

"Stop!" I yelled at the guy. We turned around and Matt was swimming to some rock.

"Matt what are you doing?" I laughed watching him doggy paddle.

"I saw a seal!" He kept swimming; his head bobbing up and down. We are in the middle of the ocean who knows how deep, some hungry sharks could be lurking and here's Matt; looking at a seal. We both reached the rock and there was a seal lying down on the rock. I helped Matt get back on the tube and we watched the seal for a few minutes.

"It looks like he's sun bathing" Matt laughed which got guy laughing as well.

"Ok we're going to head back now, try to hold on." He directed that towards Matt.


After Matt and I walked back to meet everyone else; I laid on my towel and decided to get some sun. I was shortly interrupted by Spencer telling me that we were all going to walk to the pier to have some lunch and then we would go snorkeling.

"So how was tubing Jess?" Drake asked me.

"It was actually really fun! Matt fell off and then we saw a sunbathing seal."

"That sounds pretty cool" Alex said.

"Hello table for six please," Matt walked up to the woman at the desk.

"Ok, right this way" she carried six menu's in her arm. We all sat down and looked at the menu's.

"What are you getting?" Matt questioned me.

"Umm I'm not sure, I was thinking a hamburger, but it looks a little big." I told him.

"Want to split one?"


"Hello and welcome to Tropical Stripes, my name is Jamie and I'll be your waitress today. What can I get for you?"


"This place is amazing" Zoe said, finishing up her chicken salad.

"I second that!" Spencer relaxed in his chair. We all paid the check and walked to the boat that would be taking us to go snorkeling.

"Hello and welcome aboard! I am Max and today we will be going to Paradise Cove to see some ocean life as well and the coral reefs. The snorkels, life vests, and flippers are to your left. We will reach the cove in approximately 30 minutes so sit back and relax." Alex, Zoe and I sat at the front of the boat and watched the shore become smaller and smaller.

"I feel like we've been in school forever yet it's only been a few weeks" Alex said and I agreed.

"I know, I've already had a few tests in some of my classes" I rolled my eyes.

"Same" Zoe nodded.

"So how's Jess world?" Alex asked.

"It's good, normal as usual." I laughed.

"Same here, I wish something interesting would happen in our lives." Alex sighed.

"Well we're currently on our way to go snorkeling so if that isn't interesting then I don't know what to tell you." Zoe looked out across the never ending ocean.

"Yeah, I guess you're right."

"Ok ladies we are here, let's go explore the great white sharks natural habitat!" Matt smiled. "I'm kidding Jess." He added. "I hope." Matt finished and walked away to get his life vest on.

I'm very excited.


Greetings minions ! (I thought about despicable me lol)

Today was my last day of classes, but now I have exams ugh :( Studying for these exams do nothing but stress me out; but that's ok because then it will officially be summer :D

How is everyone tonight? I'm really tired, like I'm having a hard time staying awake while I type this so that's probably my cue to sleep.

Goodnight loves,

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