36 | Show Day

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Today is January 2nd and I'm getting ready for the play my acting class is putting on. Apparently it's a big deal, I guess my teacher has connections with people looking to hire new actors and such. Since the class is an advanced acting class Mr. Kylie probably thought this would be good for us. I don't know, but I'm just a tad more nervous knowing there are people judging us out there.

"Two minutes til curtain," Mr. Kylie said before walking away.

"Okay guys come over here," I motioned for everyone to gather in a circle. "Since everyone knows that there are agencies out there looking to hire fresh new faces to the acting and entertainment world we need to make this the best show possible. I want us to all go out there and have fun, we all do this because we love it right?" A few heads nodded yes and some murmurs were heard. "If anything happens just improvise and we will all back each other up. Who's with me?" I pumped my fist into the air and everyone silently cheered. "Let's do this," I jumped off of the chair I was standing on and walked to my spot, waiting for the cue.

"Break a leg Matt," I turned around and saw Jessica smiling.

"Thank you babe," I walked over and quickly hugged her.

"Good evening, how's everyone doing tonight?" The crowd clapped and a few cheers were audible. "Okay well I have a very special performance for you all. This is an original show by myself and we have some extremely talented actors and actresses here tonight. As you can see there is a tv to the right of me, this is because the main character uses different devices and this will allow you to see what he sees throughout the play. Please put your hands together for Famous by Media.

The curtain opened and all eyes were on me. It's now or never right?

"Ethan come check this out," I signaled for my friend to come over to the bed I was lying on. "Check out this cool video app thing."

"We should make a video then!"

"Of what?"

"I don't know! You're the one that downloaded it."

"Bom, bom, bom bom, bom, bom," I held the screen and took a video of myself. Half way through the video I switched the camera over to Ethan.

"What are you doing," he gave me a strange look.

"I'm filming a video like you said to. This is cool! It's like other people can see things in my point of view."

"Yeah well too bad you can't make a living out of taking short videos."

"You don't know that."

"Come on, how realistic would it be to become famous off of personal videos?"

"It could be done."

*further along in play*

"New comedian, Paul Shore, steals hearts of thousand of teenaged girls. I'm here with Shore to learn more about how this all happened. So how did this all start Paul?"

"Well as weird as it sounds I was in my basement with a friend. We were bored out of our minds and I just came across this app from another friend. I downloaded it and make a few nonsense videos; like eating a sandwich, making weird noises, longboarding and some of my friends found them funny. So then I thought, hey if they find that funny why not give them something actually funny to laugh at and I did."

"Did you ever think this would become your life?"

"No actually I thought only people from my high school would see and find them entertaining, but it's spread so much further than I expected. The power of social media is frightening."

"Yes, yes it is. Well thank you for giving us your time of day and I hope to see great things in the future. Paul is currently on a social media tour so if you want to meet this hilarious guy the link to tickets are down below. I'm Sarah Costello from channel 9 News."

*even further in the play lol*

"This is fun, I'm glad we're traveling the world together," my girlfriend Marissa smiled.

"Me too, I can't believe this is my life now. Traveling every day to a new city, some I've never even heard of."

"Well that's what happens when you become famous by social media."

"Crazy to think of. My life is perfect and I'm glad to be spending it with you. Maybe happy ever afters do come true." At the very end I started to lean in for the stage kiss and as that was happening the curtain closed and the lights faded to black. Cheers erupted from the audience and the curtain was about to reopen for the cast to take a bow.

People were cheering as the cast came out and when it was my turn to run out I swear the crowd cheered ten times louder. It was an amazing feeling to experience and I don't think it will ever get old.

"How about one more round of applause for our amazing cast!" Mr. Kylie said into a microphone. Again the crowd roared. "Thank you for coming everyone and have a good night!"

"Matt, honey you did so well," my mom and dad walked towards me along with Jess and her parents.

"Thank you so much," I gave them both hugs.

"You did amazing, Matt," Jessica put her arms around me and I did the same.

"Thank you baby," I smiled into her hair.

"Matt! That was dope," Spencer and the rest of them came to congratulate me.

"Thanks guys."

"So how should we celebrate?"

"Let's go to bagel world," I said over excitedly. Everyone laughed, but agreed.

"We'll see you at home honey," my mom and dad waved goodbye to me.

"To bagel world we go!"


Hey guys!

Not really sure how I feel about this chapter. It was different from others and I hope it wasn't too confusing.

I hope you all are having a great weekend! Are any of you doing anything super fun for Columbus day weekend?

I don't really have much to say today, so I'm gonna go and I hope you have an amazing day ❤️


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