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Well I didn't kiss Jess that day. It just didn't seem like a good time. I mean let's be realistic here, why would I kiss someone without confessing if a have feeling for them or not? I still need to find a way to ask her to be my girlfriend, but I'm not exactly sure how.

I'm currently on my way to my acting lessons. I switched out of photography when I learned the school had an amazing performing arts department. Now I'm taking that as well as acting lessons off campus. I don't know what it is about performing in front of an audience, but I love every second of it. I get so into the character I have to play and it's fun. It's like I'm someone else, I live in their shoes and see things from their perspective.

"Good afternoon Matthew," my acting teacher said.

"Good afternoon Mr. Kylie."

My class has about thirty actors in it and we're rehearsing for a play that will go on in a few weeks. Mr. Kylie wrote it himself and the script is fantastic. It's about this boy who decides to film a video of a comedy sketch he wrote one day when he was bored. He emails it out to his friends and family to see what they thought. Turns out that one of his family members loved it so much, that they uploaded it to the Internet. The next morning he sees that his phone has numerous missed called from an unknown number as well as the family member who uploaded it. There was a voicemail from a casting director who wanted to fly him out to L.A. to potentially be in a movie. He becomes an overnight sensation and his whole life changes. His life couldn't get any better, blah, blah, blah and a happily ever after ending.

"Hello everyone! I have casted everyone for the show. The sheet is on the wall over there. Please walk over and look at your rolls. I'll give you the scripts to practice after."

We all walked over to see who was going to play who.

Casting List
Paul Shore............................Matthew Espinosa
Marissa Wind.......................Jennifer Sullivan
Ethan Powell........................Daniel Maloney

I took a second glance to see if my mind was playing tricks on me. It wasn't. I'm playing the main character.

"I hope you're all happy with the casting. Let's get started with the first scene! I know you all just got assigned the character you'll be playing, but you're all great actors and actresses. You could all use a challenge," Mr. Kylie clapped his hands together.

"Wait wait wait. They want me to tryout for a movie? But that video was just a stupid skit I made," I said shockingly.

"Not to them. You have a lot of potential," Daniel pat my shoulder. "So what do you say?"

"Los Angeles here I come!"


Matthew: are you doing anything right now?

Jessica: studying

Matthew: take a break

Jessica: no I just took a break

Matthew: take another break, can I come over ?

Jessica: why not

Tomorrow morning is the day Matt. The day I ask Jessica to be my girlfriend, and I know just how to do it.

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