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"Go in there. Just watch out. Crap we're surrounded."

"Mattttt," I groan, laying upside down on his bed.

"What? I'm playing video games."


"It's fun."

"Did you win?"


"Yikes you need more practice," I say as I play with Burnie.

"I'd like to see you try," he sasses.

"I don't know the first thing about video games."

"I'll teach you," he pauses his game and looks at me.

"Fine," I sit up and scoot next to Matt. He hands me the controller and starts explaining all the different buttons and the objective of the game.

"Here put your hand like this," Matt snakes his arm around my back and places my hand onto the controller. Smooth Espinosa, smooth.

"We're relationship goals," Matt smiles and put his head in the crook of my neck as I attempt to play the game. I died less than a minute in. "You're not good at this," Matt takes the controller back.

"It's eleven at night and I have no idea what I'm doing. Besides I think we should go to bed, our flight is tomorrow," I suggest.

"No! Five more minutes," Matt whined like a little kid.

"You can stay up as long as you'd like, but I'm going to bed." I walk into the bathroom and put on a pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt. Is it just me or does everyone get cold at night? When I walk back in Matt is still playing his game and Burnie is sitting in front of Matt holding up a small stuffed monkey in his mouth.

"Come here Burnie," I bend down and watch the excited dog jog over to me. I take the toy out of his mouth and throw it out of the room. Burnie makes a mad dash towards it and brings the monkey back to me. I do this a few more times before lifting Burnie and sitting him on Matt's bed. I rub Burnie's belly until I begin to close my eyes.

"Jessica," Matt whispers.


"You're hogging the bed move over." I do as told and feel Matt's arm snake around my stomach as his other hand plays with my hair. "Goodnight love," is the last thing I hear before falling asleep. I can't wait for tomorrow.


"Thank you so much for driving us to the airport," I thank and hug Mrs. Espinosa.

"It's not a problem at all, I'm glad you can go and keep him out of trouble," she laughs.

"Hey I heard that," Matt pokes his head out from the trunk.

(A/n: lol it sounds like he was in the trunk but he was just getting his luggage out okay bye)

"Bye mommy, I love you," he gives his mom a big hug before proceeding to grab his suitcase.

"Love you both, and I'm so proud of you Matty," she tears up and gives her son one more hug.


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