05 | Tell Me about Yourself

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"Hey guys" Spencer and Matt came over to our table.

"Hey" Alex smiled.

"So how's your first day matt?" Zoe asked.

"It's great I haven't gotten lost yet" he laughed.

"What classes do you have after this?" Drake asked.

"Spanish and then a free" he bit into his bagel.

"I have a free too and I know a really good place to go" I chimed in. "Meet me in the front of the campus by the flag poll" I told him.

"Sounds good" he said while our whole table smirked at me. I'm so thankful for my little group of friends, they make my life interesting.


*last period of the day*


I went over to the flag poll and Matt was already there waiting.

"Hey" I greeted him.

"Hey! So what's that place of yours?" He asked.

"Follow me" I told him. There was this little pond in the back of the campus near the field where there were koi fish. The sophomores are studying fish right now and made habitat for them.

"You like?" I asked.

"I love it! Wow this is a really nice school!" Matt looked around. We sat on a bench and put our backpacks down, I watched as he kept looking around at the beautiful sight.

"So tell me about yourself" I said to Matt.

"Well I like bagels, I have a dog named burnie, some humans I call mom and dad, two brothers and a sister, I'm kinda a risk taker, but don't worry I'm not a bad boy, much. I moved to Pacific Ave so I'm pretty close to the school. What about you?"

"Well I have a mom and dad as well, I have a horse and I'm not a risk taker, and-"

"Looks like we have a goody two shoes here" Matt interrupted me.

"well as I was saying, I live on Pacific Ave too! Are you the people that just moved in?" I asked him.

"Yeah!" He exclaimed.

"I guess we're neighbors because I live a few houses down! I'm the big white house" I said.

"No way that's awesome! Hey can we go see the koi fish?" Matt asked me.

"Why not" I followed him over.

"Can I pet it?" He looked at me and I nodded signaling that he could.

"Who's a nice fishy, yeah you're a nice fishy, good- OWW" he pulled his hand back.

"What?" I asked.

"It bit me" he gave the fish a death glare and I just laughed at him. I looked at my watch and told him we should probably start going back over to the main building.


"How was the first day?" My mom asked as I got into the car.

"Great! The people that moved a few doors down have a son that's in my grade. He's nice." I told her while putting my seatbelt on.

"That's wonderful, I'm glad you said that. I went over to their house today to introduce myself and asked if they wanted to come over and have dinner with us" she kept her eyes on the road.

"Not that I'm objecting, but why?" I was confused.

"Well since their new to the neighborhood I thought it would be an appropriate welcoming"

"oh I see, when are they coming over?"

"A few hours" she said.

This should be fun.


Hey guys! I hope you had a fantastic New Year! I honestly cannot believe it is already 2015, I'm still going to be writing 2014 on my papers for school for a while haha.

I know this is very cheesy, but today was page 1 out of 365, we have a whole new book waiting to be written and each page should be filled with happiness and positivity. At the end of the day, all that matters is that YOU are happy with who you became and how you ended the day, page, chapter, whatever you want to call it. It's YOUR life and you choose how YOU live it, no one else can. I want you all to go live your lives, don't just exist, everyone can exist, but not everyone can say they have had the oportunity to do something worth wild.

I hope everyone is enjoying their winter vacation! When do you go back to school?

I go back the fifth, in fact I'm actually transfering and starting at a new school this coming Monday, but that's another story.

I love you guys xoxo :)

Collide - Matthew Espinosa FanfictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang