46 | Let's Go Home

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"Is anyone here for Jessica Peterson?" A nurse with a clipboard called out. 

"I am," I got out of my chair and walked over to where she was standing. "What happened? Is she okay?"

"Yes she just got out of surgery and-"

"Surgery?! Why did she need surgery?" I cut her off. I knew it was bad, I should not have listened to her. I should have taken her here when I knew something wasn't right. I'm such a bad boyfriend. 

"Sir I'm just the nurse, I'm here to bring you into her room so you can speak to the doctor." We walked through the hallways and into an elevator. 

"Is she awake?"

"Not yet, but she will be soon." Once we got to the room where Jess was staying in the nurse knocked on the door before entering. "Doctor this gentleman is here for Miss Peterson." 

The man looked over and walked towards me as the nurse left. "Hello, I'm Dr. Derry."

"Hi, Dr. Derry. How is Jess doing? What was wrong?" I looked over at her peacefully sleeping. 

"She had a pretty bad case of appendicitis. Her appendix burst before we could take the poison out, but we got out as much of it as we could. Since her appendix did burst before we could get to it she will have to stay here for a month just so we can make sure everything is out of her system. Also when she wakes up, her abdomen may ache a little so just call one of the nurses in if she's in pain. Other than that there's nothing else to tell, you're lucky that you got her in here when you did." 

"Wait, she has to stay here a month?"

"Well just for precautions. Why is there a problem?"

"Yes, umm we don't live in New York. We're just here for spring break." 

"I'll see what I can do to speed up the recovery." He says and walks out of the room. 

I called Jessica's parents and told them the news. They were in shock at the fact that their daughter was in the hospital across the country. I also made a phone call to my parents telling them that I wouldn't leave New York without Jess. If we have to stay here for a month, then I guess we'll stay here for a month. 


"Jess? Wake up, please." I hear Matt's voice and slowly open my eyes, letting them adjust to the lighting in the room. "How are you feeling?" he stood over me. 

"My stomach hurts," I whine. 

"I know it does, you had surgery earlier today" Matt grabs onto one of my hands. 

"I had surgery?" I say in complete shock. The heart monitor starts to beep a little faster and we both look at it. 

"Hey it's okay, it's okay. Don't be worried. The surgery went fine, you just have to rest now." Matt rubs my hand with his thumb. "You had appendicitis and it exploded before they got to take it out, but they got as much of it as they could out. They just want you to stay here for a month to make sure it's out of your system." 

A month? "Matt we can't stay here for a month. Spring break ends in a week and a half." 

"I know, I talked to the doctor and he said he'll see if he can do anything about it."

I try to sit up, but my abdomen stopped me. "Jess just relax, don't strain yourself." Matt tries to help me get comfortable. 

"I just want to go home, I hate hospitals." 

An hour or so later a nurse comes in to check on me and gives me some pain medications to take. "The doctor will be in shortly to talk to both of you." She smiles before walking away. As if right on que the doctor walks in as the nurse leaves the room.

"Ahh Miss Peterson glad you're up. How are you feeling?" he asks. 

"Okay, a little sore." 

"That's normal. So your friend here told me that you two don't live here and have to return back to California in a week?"

"Yes, that is correct. Will that be a problem?" I hope it won't. 

"It shouldn't be too much of a problem, but you will not be able to do any strenuous activities for a while and I can contact your local doctor and set up some appointments for you. You'll be able to leave in a week." 


"Jess I put all your things together in this bag. Here are a change of clothes." Matt handed me a pair of jeans, a sweater, and boots. I was getting released from the hospital today and I haven't gotten out of this bed in a week. "Do you have a cool scar now?" Matt sat down in the chair next to my bed. 

"I wouldn't say it's cool." I laugh. "Wait come here and help me up please." Matt walks over to the bed as I slowly sit up and throw my legs over the side. 

"Take your time," Matt says as he grabs my hands. I slide off and my feet come in contact with the cold, tile floor. I walk to the bathroom and Matt hands me my clothes before shutting the door. After I'm all changed we leave the room and sign out from the hospital. 

"Okay, so I had our luggage flown back to L.A. last night and Spencer brought them home which makes our job of just boarding the plane easy." Matt gave me a toothless smile. 

"Thank you for doing that, I really appreciate it." I smile as we wait for a taxi to take us to the airport. 

"Anything for you," he kisses my forehead. 


"We are about to start our descent and should arrive at the terminal in 30 minutes. Thank you for flying with JetBlue." The pilot announced into the speaker. 

Soon enough we were on the ground again and I couldn't be happier. My abdomen was aching earlier and I didn't have access to my pain relievers. I tried to take a nap, but it didn't help. 

Matt and I got off the plane and walked towards the arrivals. Spencer and Zoe were picking us up. "How are you holding up?" Matt asked as we walked hand and hand through the airport. 

"Okay," I shrug. 

"Jess! Matthew!" we hear our friends call our name. Zoe runs over to us and drags Spencer with her. She's about to run into me and then stops, remembering my abdomen was still sore. She gently hugs me and Spencer gives Matt a bro hug. 

"Oh my god I can't believe you went to Texas," I say as she rolls her eyes. 

"I know, I'm still upset, but enough about me. How are you feeling? Any better?"

"Yeah I'm okay. A bit sore, but I'll live." I smile as Spencer wraps an arm around my shoulder. 

"Let's go home, I can tell both of you are super tired," Zoe says as we walk to her car. 


Hey guys!

I think I'm going to end this book soon. I lost interest in it and I've been so busy that it's hard for me to find time to write. Don't get me wrong I love writing, but the amount of stress in my life is crazy. Plus many of you aren't so into this book either. I think chapter 50 will be the last chapter. Thanks for understanding. 


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