41 | Big Time

533 12 10

*Late February*


"No, I'm telling you my history teacher literally looks like he could be one of those mall Santa Clauses. He had this really big, long, white beard and these glasses and his nose is always red in the winter. He's also kinda heavy, but that's not the point," Spencer is telling me, Drake and a few other guys as we sit in the cafeteria.

"Come on you're exaggerating man," this guy named Shane laughs.

"I'm serious!" We're all laughing at this point when my phone starts to buzz. I get up from the table to answer my phone.


"Good Afternoon is this Matthew Espinosa," a man asks.

"Yes. Who is this?"

"My name is James Harvard and I'm with the theater base of Advanced Arts. One of my colleagues received a call from your acting professor. He kept praising about this student with very high potential in his course. We wanted to see for ourselves so a rep came to the show and by what we heard I want you to come down and audition for a movie."

Holy. Crap.

"Wait really?" Nice going Matt, you sound like an idiot.

"Yes sir, we heard very good things about your performance and if you can showcase your talents at auditions then I can see a bright future ahead of you. Think is a huge opportunity to start a career if you want to be in this business."

"If I were to decide to audition I would need some more details," I try to sound professional.

"Of course. We already sent you a copy of the script. The auditions are March 20, 2016 in New York, New York. Although we would like to have you come in a few days before just to chat and-"

"Wait, it's in New York," that's all the way across the country.

"Yes, but we can supply you with a plane ticket if you would like."

"Okay, I'm going audition in March," I say confidently. Oh Matthew what are you getting yourself into?

"Fantastic! We will get everything straightened away. I look forward to seeing you in March Mr. Espinosa."

This should be exciting.


"Matt oh my gosh that's so amazing," Jessica jumps up and down in excitement.

"I know I'm so excited, they sent a script in the mail so hopefully I'll get it soon," I play with my hands.

"When is it again?"

"March 20, but I have to be there a week earlier because they want to talk with me," I say falling back against my bed.

"It's not local," her face is full of confusion.

"It's in New York," I search her face and a big smile crosses over it.

"No way! New York is so cool, you will have so much fun. What the heck this isn't fair," she fake pouts and crosses her arms over her chest.

"Maybe you can come with me," I smirk.

"Matt I was kidding about the isn't fair part. I don't know I could go or anything like that," she rambles.

"I could pay for-"

"I couldn't let you do-"

"But the people are paying for my ticket so I could pay for yours. You wouldn't want to miss this important step in my life would you?" I try to guilt her into letting me buy her a plane ticket.

"I'll think about it, what if we could split the cost?"

"Deal," I stick out my pinky and she intwined her pinky with mine.

"I'm really proud of you," she looks up at me.

"I'm proud of me too. For different reasons," I reply back.

"Why is that?"

"Because I have an amazing girlfriend that I will never let go of," I lean in and kiss her forehead.

"So what did your parents say when you told them?"

"They were so happy for me. My mom was almost crying and my dad couldn't stop smiling and telling me how proud he was. They're both coming with me to my audition next year," I smile at the thought.

"Aww that's so cute," Jess laughed.

"But enough about me, how's your life going? I'm here to fix all your problems," I try to get off the topic of talking about myself.

"Pretty good. I think I'll be okay without Boss. Obviously I'll need to find a new horse if I want to continue with my riding career. School is fine-"

"Uh-oh," I cut her off.


"You said fine. Fine is never good. I learned that from all my wise years on earth," I joke.

"That's usually true, but school is actually going pretty well. A few tough grades and assignments here and there, but I'm holding on," she nods, mostly to herself.

There's a comfortable silence for a few minutes. Jess is stalking someone from our school on Instagram and I'm just stalking her, stalking the person.

"I like you," I nuzzle my head into the crook of her neck. "Like, I like how you aren't like other girls at our school. You don't cake on unnecessary makeup because you're perfect without it. You don't dress in crop tops and high waisted shorts because your fashion sense is much more mature and stunning. Most of all you're always so nice, even to people who don't deserve it. I wish I had that trait."

"I'm flattered by your words Matt, but give yourself more credit. You have a great sense of humor. You know how to make someone feel happy when they're down. You have so much talent to share with the world," she turns around to face me.

"I like how we can have these deep-ish conversations," I relax a bit.

"Me too."

A few minutes later Burnie comes into the room, jumps on the bed.

"Burnie, my love," Jessica rubs Burnie's head.

"I thought I was your love," I pout.

"You're a close second," Jess lets out a contagious laugh.

I look down and think. My girlfriend smiling at my dog, my happy dog looking at Jess, my above average grades, my proud parents, new career opportunities in high school. I love my life so dámn much. 


Hey fam!

How are you all doing? The holidays are sooo close! Can you believe we only have a few weeks until the new year... That's crazy how fast 2015 went by. It was a crazy year, but I'm glad and thankful for everything that has happened.


Also you may have noticed I changed the covers on all my books. To be honest I have no idea why, I just wanted a new look for them. I don't really know how to feel about the cover for Collide. I might change it again, but we'll see.

Okay adios 👋


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