47 | New Heights

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"You've got mail!" the AOL voice plays on my computer. I have numerous new emails, but one catches my eye.

Movie: Be Somebody

I click the email and my eyes go wide. I've been offered to play the lead role of the new movie Be Somebody. Holy. Cows. There's an email attached at the bottom of the screen to reply to the offering. I send them a quick email saying that I would love to part take in this amazing offer and hit send. My mind was racing with a million different thoughts. I was going to be in this movie. People would see my face all over the world. But how would this affect my life in general?

I would have to stop going to school and take up online classes instead. I would have to travel to different places for different scenes. I wouldn't see any friends much since they have to be in school. No seeing Burnie unless I took him with me. I'd have to be away from my family because they wouldn't drop everything and leave to start a new life. No seeing Jessica's beaming smile every day. I would be giving up these amazing aspects of life, but I would gain experience that not everyone can say that they've had. If I weighed my options I think not taking this offer would be horrible in the long run.

I walked downstairs to tell my mom and dad the news. I have no idea how this will go down, but I'm hoping for the best. As I make my way around the corner I see my mom doing a crossword puzzle and my dad on his phone. Here goes nothing.

"Um, mom? Dad?"

"What is it, honey?" They give me their full attention.

"I got a job offering to be in that movie I was talking about, Be Somebody." There, the cat's out of the bag. They were silent for a few seconds, probably not comprehending those 16 words that just came out of my mouth. Quite frankly I couldn't comprehend it either.

"Matthew, honey that's amazing I'm so proud of you!" My mom gets up from her spot on the couch to give me a hug.

"My son's going to make it big time." My dad joked around.

"When do you start shooting?" He asked.

"In two weeks," I scratch the back of my neck.

"That soon?" My mom stares in disbelief. "What about school?"

"I was thinking about finishing up the year with online classes. If that's okay with you two." I shoved my hands in my pockets.

"If this is really what you want then yes. You know we will always support you and want the best and if online classes will be the next best thing then you have our consent." My dad says and mom nods in agreement.

"Thank you so much for everything you've done for me. I wouldn't be who I am without you as cliche as that sounds." I laugh and bring them into a hug.

"What about housing now? How are you going to find somewhere to stay on such short notice?"

"They are supplying me a 1 bedroom apartment in Manhattan."

"Wow, that's great! I guess you're pretty much set. We'll call your school tomorrow and tell them what's happening and get you enrolled for online classes. However, that works." My mom walked back over to her spot on the couch. "But you do need to tell one more person about this big change." She noted.





I was sitting on the couch watching reruns of Modern Family when a knock tapped on the door. I walked over and opened the door to see a worried looking Matthew.

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