Chapter Thirty-Seven: Not here

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A/N: Ik i said i was going to take a break this week but I got the chapter done faster than I expected plus, next week is the 10 days of Lawlu on Tumblr so I will be participating in that and instead ill be taking a break next week considering its also thanksgiving. 

Zoro woke up to thunking on his window. What the hell could possibly be going on out there? Zoro dragged himself out of bed, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. his eyes. There was a white wad of something that could only be wet paper splattering on his window. What the fuck was Luffy doing now? Zoro went to his window and looked outside. 

It was too dark to tell who exactly was outside but someone was definitely down there throwing shit at his window. Zoro slid the window open and stuck his head out. 

"Luffy, what the hell are you doing?" Zoro asked. 

"Try again moss head," Sanji retorted.

"Cook?" Zoro asked, recognizing the voice, and the nickname. 

"The one and only," Sanji said. "Come down here before one of your dads catch me out here." 

"Hold on," Zoro called back. He turned his back to the window in search of shoes, before deciding that he didn't give a fuck and climbed down barefoot and in his pajamas. 

Zoro clambered down to the ground, he was surprised that didn't wake up his parents. Still, his feet met the grass lawn and Sanji arms were around him immediately, 

The only proper response was to hug him back. He and Sanji weren't exactly the clingy type, an impromptu hug like this was just a little worrisome.

"Sanji?" Zoro asked, what are you doing here, why weren't you at school. 

Sanji pulled away from Zoro. "Judge wouldn't let me leave, he told me that he shouldn't let me go back to school at all." Sanji both admitted and explained. 

"What?" Zoro muttered, he frowned though it wasn't likely that Sanji could even see that. 

"Zoro..." Sanji said. "I'm leaving." 

"Wh-what?" Zoro asked, not entirely sure what Sanji meant by that. 

"I'm getting out of here, somewhere Judge can't find me...I—" Sanji paused with the crack in his voice He looked down at the ground before meeting Zoro's eyes. 

"I can't do this anymore," Sanji said. Zoro noticed that Sanji's hair was parted in a different direction than he normally had it. 

"Hey, you know you can come back here—" Zoro started to explain but Sanji shook his head right away. He wouldn't even listen to Zoro. 

"Not where Judge can find me, no, I have to get out of here, out of town, maybe even out of California..." Sanji said. "I came to say bye."

"Sanji—" Zoro took Sanji's face in his hand's pulling him closer. Zoro's heart tightened in his chest and everything felt like it was starting to slip through his fingers. Sanji's hair fell from his face and reveal the black eye he had. 

That was too fresh to be from the fight they had gotten into last week. Zoro froze as soon as he saw it. 

He had seen Sanji beaten up before, from fights with jackasses, from fights with his brothers, he had seen Sanji in bruises plenty of times. That wasn't what left Zoro struggling to speak. 

It was the look in Sanji's eyes. 

He looked defeated like he was passed a breaking point. Zoro made a decision in an instant. 

"I'm going with you," Zoro said. Sanji's wye widened. 

"Zoro you can't just—what about graduation?" Sanji asked.

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