Chapter Twenty-Four: Awkward Encounters

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Law was out with Shachi, Penguin, and Bonney. Bonney was sitting next to him, talking away but all Law could think about was Luffy. He needed to talk to him about what happened at the party. Luffy was his Sabo and Ace's brother for fucks sake, Law should be disgusted at the events of last night.

But he wasn't. He wasn't and that bothered Law more than anything else.

Luffy was barely an adult, that should have grossed Law out too, but it didn't.

"Right, Law?" Bonney asked, looking over at him.

"What?" Law asked he hadn't been listening at all. Bonney frowned.

"The store? You think it would be a good idea, right?" Law gave her a confused look.

"Law wasn't listening, again," Shachi pointed out. "That stuff with Lami still bothering you?"

"Yeah," Law said, it wasn't true at all but it was better than admitting he was thinking about a kiss he shared with someone that wasn't his girlfriend. Law was already in enough trouble for it happening to begin with. Law had tried to wait for Luffy to wake up this morning and try to talk to him before Sabo and Ace got up. That didn't work out so well seeing as Luffy took Sabo's car.

The panic that came from Sabo out of that was far too much to deal with. Law got dragged here by Bonney before Luffy got back, honestly, Law should have found an excuse to stay home. He needed to clear things up with Luffy, they lived together.

And Law did not want to see the results of Sabo or Ace finding out. They might care about Law, but Luffy, Luffy was everything to them. There was nothing in this world or the next that would turn them against Luffy. Law would not be spared from their wrath when it came to Luffy.


Law didn't get home until late that evening. Luffy was sitting on the couch with two of his friends, they were playing a game on the TV. Goddamnit, Law couldn't get Luffy alone for a moment, could he?

"Hi Torao," Luffy said, though it wasn't with the usual enthusiasm he usually greeted Law with.

"Hey Law," Zoro and Sanji echoed.

"Ace or Sabo home?"

"Nope, Sabo's at the studio, and Ace is out with Marco," Luffy said.

"Take that!" Zoro shouted, with blood splattering onto the screen.

"Bastard!" Sanji snapped. Law sighed and resigned himself to the dining table. Earlier in the week, Fai had brought Law a suitcase full of some of his things she had managed to hide away before Doflamingo got rid of his stuff. An event Law hadn't even been aware of before Fai gave him the suitcase.

In it were some photos, a few comic books, as well as Law's old laptop. Law hadn't quite gotten to opening it just yet and he decide to busy himself with that rather than be bothered by the thoughts of Luffy.

Law had spent enough time thinking about him as it was. He didn't need to think about him anymore. He knew what he needed to say to Luffy. And that was enough. Any more thought into the matter would only send Law into a spiral of overthinking and anxiety.

It didn't take Law much to get into the computer. The password was not something he could forget. What did prove to be an issue Law expected was four years worth of updates. Law had more concerns with the computer's programming being obsolete. If that were the case the laptop would be more trouble than it was worth.

Still, started the arduous process of updating the damned thing. While he waited, Law turned his attention to his phone in the meantime. He had some messages for Shachi he left for a later time.

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