Twenty-Nine: Egypt and Scratch Marks

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The fifth day after getting his teeth pulled, Luffy was able to go back to school. He still couldn't eat solid food which was making Luffy crazy. Luffy had been living off of cottage cheese and pudding the last five days and Luffy just wanted a damned cheese burger. Or a stake, stake was good. An entire chicken... Luffy even tried to eat solid food at lunch but it hurt so much just to chew! Luffy couldn't wait until this was all over.

All that thinking about food was making Luffy hungry. Some unwanted force in the universe really had it out for Luffy this week. Luffy's train of thought got detoured when he saw Usopp walking ahead of him.

"Usopp, Usopp!" Luffy called, running up to him on the way to the library.

"Hm?" Usopp was looking down at his phone.

"I found an awesome place we can make a video for exploring," Luffy grinned. It kinda hurt to do that too.

"Oh really?" Usopp asked with a grin. "Kid didn't tell you about it, right?"

"Nope, I found it from a link someone left in a comment, It's in Pasadena we should go after school!"

"Mm, I gotta babysit for like an hour or so today, but afterwards should be all good, we're not doing anything with the others are we?"

"Nope!" Luffy said, at least not that I know of." Usopp nodded.

"I'll pick you up when I drop off the kids," Usopp said. "I gotta pick them up and watch them for like until their parents get off work.

"Woah all three of 'em?" Luffy asked. Usopp nodded.

It looked like Usopp and Luffy were the last ones to the Library all of their friends were gathered outside the doors. They talked for a few minutes before going their separate ways. Luffy headed outside. Zoro had some sort of class with Kai after school so Luffy was condemned to the bud. Luffy didn't mind it all that much though, really. He liked meeting all the fun people that rode the bus.

Just as Luffy got past the parking lot and was heading for the bus stop, a familiar car pulled up in front of him. The window rolled down and Kid pushed his sunglasses down the bridge of his nose.

"Hey, kid," Kid said with a smirk.

"Kid!" Luffy grinned. "What are you doin' here?"

"Killer had something to do downtown and I have about two hours to kill so I thought I'd come bother you n' Usopp." Kid shrugged.

"Usopp's busy but I'm not doing anything," Luffy said. Kid nodded.

"Sweet get in, we'll go get slushies or something," Kid said.

"Okay!" Luffy went around to the passenger side and got in, tossing his bag into the back seat.

"Nearest gas station?" Kid asked.

"Oh, just up the road and around the corner, they have great slushies!" Luffy said.

"Right or left?"

"Huh, your side," Luffy said. In moments they were getting slushies. When they walked inside, Luffy made a beeline for the slushie machine, dodging the other students who had just got out of school. Luffy grabbed a cup and put it under the spout. Kid caught him just in time.

"You gotta put the lid on first, haven't you ever poured a slushie?" Kid muttered, taking Luffy's cup and sticking the lid on before giving it back to him.

"No, Zoro or my brothers have always done it for me," Luffy said. "Sometimes Usopp."

"Figures," Kid muttered as he put the lid on his own cup. "You want anything from the deli?"

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