Chapter Five: Party 'Til Dawn (Or Until Someone Pukes)

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Luffy woke up nearly falling off the chair he had passed out on. Oh, he fell asleep at Vivi's.  Luffy looked around, everyone else was still there too. Everyone but Zoro and Sanji, that is. Luffy got up to use the bathroom.

When he was done, Luffy heard voices in the kitchen. It was Sanji and Zoro.

"I don't know what to do about it. Kai doesn't want to tell our parents, and he won't even talk to Tashigi," Zoro said, He was leaning against the island while Sanji was digging through the cupboard. He tended to cook whenever we all hung out like this, be it dinner, breakfast or lunch. Sanji really liked cooking but he rarely got to because of his family.

"Would you tell your parents?" Sanji asked. He pulled pancake mix down from the cupboard. Zoro was quiet. "Let Kai deal with this on his own, He'll be dealing with it his entire life and he won't have a big brother to protect him all the time." Zoro frowned.

"Hey, guys," Luffy greeted. "What's up?" Zoro sighed.

"Kai's being picked on again," Zoro said.

"By who?" Luffy asked and hopped onto the counter next to Zoro.

"Don't know, he won't tell me." Zoro shrugged.

"Kai's strong, he can handle it," Luffy said.

"Physically, I don't doubt that," Zoro muttered.

"Teenagers are assholes, it sucks, but Kai's got an awesome family to back him up," Sanji said, he took more ingredients from the fridge.

"Yep!" Luffy agreed.

"Now get out of my way, moss head," Sanji shoved Zoro with his shoulder, setting stuff down on the counter. "Luffy get off the counter." Zoro scoffed but moved and Luffy hopped off the counter.

"Waffles or pancakes?" Sanji asked.

"Waffles!" Luffy said.

"Waffles it is," Sanji agreed.

Luffy's phone went off, so did Zoro's and Sanji's.

Luffy put my phone away. He should get home soon, his phone was gunna die. Maybe after breakfast. Zoro Sanji and Luffy talked while Sanji cooked. The smell of food was starting to make him really hungry.

Still, no one was awake when Sanji was done, Sanji made Luffy and Zoro plates before he woke up the others to let them know there was food. They ate and helped Vivi clean up the mess they all made the night before. Afterward, Zoro gave Luffy a ride home.

"Ace! Sabo! I'm home!" Luffy shouted as he stepped inside. No one responded. Weird. Maybe they were all asleep?

"Torao?" Luffy called. Luffy peeked into the kitchen, no one.

Luffy went into the living room and plopped onto the couch. There was a note on the TV. Luffy groaned and got back up to read it.

Lu the house is empty, me and Ace won't be home until after you leave.

Law will be home eventually

Don't destroy anything, call if something comes up


"Huh, well that's lame." Luffy dug his phone out of his pocket and called Zoro.

"Hey, no one's home, I'm bored wanna come over?" Luffy asked.

"I've got Swordsmanship in- ten minutes ago," Zoro said over the phone.

"Ah, okay, see ya," Luffy hung up and sighed. He headed to his room, with nothing better to do, Luffy plopped onto his bed, plugged in his phone and started scrolling through social media. There was nothing interesting going on. This was so weird, Sabo and Ace were never gone at the same time on a Saturday morning.

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