Chapter Sixty-Eight: What We've Been Waiting For

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A/N: Hello lovelies, Im moving this weekend and starting classes next week so Ill be on a break (seeing as my first day of classes will be next Wednesday i think it's a safe call) wish me luck~

Law sat down on a bench in front of a big fountain that was surrounded by palm trees. He could see the Aquariums entrance from the spot he had picked. And the bench the fountain sat between the aquarium's entrance and its parking lot. The closest bus stop was quite the walk from here, but since Law could see the entrance, he'd be able to catch Luffy regardless of the direction he came from. 

Taking the bus had been an incredibly long ride and Law only imagine the moment he'd be able to afford a car. It would make his life so much easier. That would still be a long way out, even with Viola appealing to the state to get Law the compensation he was due thanks to his wrongful imprisonment. That was a messy process that Law knew next to nothing about. Everything would settle in due time, or at least the optimistic part in Law hoped it would work out that way. 

As he waited for Luffy, Law watched the people passing by. Families, tourists, groups of friends, and the occasional couple, all made their way to the building's entrance. The sun was hot even with the cool breeze that came in off the bay. The baking asphalt did little to know good to help with the heat, and the towering palm trees offered no shade. Law checked his phone for any messages from Luffy, there was just the text letting Law know that Luffy was on his way. 

That was just over twenty minutes ago. And if that were the case, Law really hoped that Luffy was getting a ride from someone or he had his motorcycle back. The bus ride from South Los Angeles was nearly an hour long. The drive would be about twenty minutes. Depending on traffic that is. Law opted to not dwell on it too much. If Luffy really was as excited as he seemed to be when Law asked him out, he'd be here in no time at all. 

Law was all too right about that. In no more than five minutes, he caught sight of a familiar strawhat leaving the parking lot building. The way Luffy looked about his surroundings Law could only assume he was lost. Or at least felt that way. Luffy dug out his phone from his jacket pocket. He was a little crazy for wearing a jacket in this heat. But from the looks of it, that was the jacket he wore when riding his bike, so he must have driven here himself. Luffy looked down at his phone, then at his surroundings. He was too far to make out the expression on his face, but from the way Luffy stuck his phone into the pocket of his jeans, it was safe to say Luffy was satisfied with whatever it was he was confirming. Law didn't doubt he had maps open on his phone. 

Luffy took off his jacket before making the journey towards the building. Law smiled to himself when he realized that Luffy must have been searching for Law as he walked. Once Luffy got into the traffic circle the fountain sat in, he spotted Law. 

Luffy's grin could outshine even California's summer sun. Law stood and strode to meet Luffy.  

"Hi, Torao!" Luffy greeted as they were finally close enough to speak to each other without shouting. Luffy didn't hesitate to hook his free arm through Law's. "You look nice." 

Law led Luffy towards the entrance with only mild annoyance that Luffy complimented him before Law got the chance to do it first. Still, Law accepted the compliment. "Well, thank you. So do you." Law paused for a moment. "In fact." He stopped dead in his track and Luffy kept walking. 

Luffy stopped only when he felt the tug in his arm and Law took advantage of the space that was no between him and Luffy. He made it known to Luffy that he was checking him out, letting his eyes gaze down Luffy's appearance before slowly looking back up to his face. "You look hot as hell." There was no lie to Law's comment.

Luffy's ears turned red and Law suppressed his laughter into a small grin. He took Luffy's stunned silence as an opportunity to slide his hand into Luffy's and keep walking. "So are you actually crazy enough to wear a leather jacket in this heat or do you have your bike again?" 

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