Chapter Eighteen: Payback's a Bitch

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A/N: okay my dudes it's been a fat minute and this is a notice from your favorite stressed college student 🤘👌✌
So my life got really crazy really fast and I had to move out of my dorm 3 months early, quit my job and now I'm back home and its really stressful. All my classes have been moved to online for spring quarter and honestly I'm not doing so hot..
That being said. With this whole quarantine going down I should be able to write some more and get chapters out on a regular basis soon. Hopefully. 
Anyway, I'm not excited about being home :/
Thanks for putting up with my chaos in these trying times my dudes ❤❤❤❤

The school day came to an end and Luffy was the first to make it to the library entrance only a few seconds before Zoro, with Kai in tow. That was new. Robin came soon after.

"Luffy, would you help us out today?" Robin asked. 

"With what?" Luffy tilted his head and looked up at Robin, then to Zoro. 

"We still gotta get Usopp back, it wouldn't be fair if it was just you," Zoro said. 

"Oh! A prank!?" Luffy grinned. "What are we gunna do?" 

"Fill Usopps car with packing peanuts," Kai blurted. 

"We have time for that?" Luffy asked. 

"Mhm, remember, Usopp's gotta retake a test after school, one that took his class two periods to finish," Robin said. 

"Ohh," Luffy hummed. "What do ya need me for?" 

"To get his keys, Usopp's too suspicious of us right now," Robin explained. 

"Usopp leaves his car unlocked," Luffy stated just as Nami arrived. 

"Oh?" Nami hummed. Luffy nodded. 

"The key gets stuck in the door sometimes so he leaves it unlocked during school," Luffy explained. 

"How has he not gotten robbed?" Nami asked. Luffy only shrugged. 

"Oh, perfect, we'll just have to wait until the parking lot clears out to start," Robin commented. Zoro nodded. 

"What are you doing to Usopps car?" Nami asked as Chopper and Kaya arrived. 

"Filling it with packing peanuts," Zoro said. They waited a few more minutes, waiting for the others to arrive. It wasn't too long until Vivi and Sanji joined them in the hall. They talked for a bit while the halls cleared and waited a few more minutes until the parking lots where empty.
The only cars left were the ones that were in sports or clubs, there'd be no need for them to worry about that.

"So we just need his keys?" Nami asked. 

"Yep," Robin said. Nami hummed to herself and looked over at Luffy. 

"Does he keep them on him or leave them in his locker?" Nami muttered. 

"Uh, his locker, I think," Luffy muttered.

"None of us know where his locker is," Vivi sighed. 

"I do," Luffy chirped. 

"Perfect." Zoro grinned and clapped Luffy's shoulder. "You'll go get his keys and meet us in the parking lot!" 

"Shishi, alright!" 

Luffy went to Usopp's locker, he usually leaves it unlocked during school, he says he doesn't think anyone would find his stuff worth stealing so it was always unlocked. His keys were in his sweater pocket. Luffy dug them out and went to meet the others in the parking lot.

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