Chapter Forty-Nine: Take Off

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Luffy grinned and watched as the doctor started to saw through his cast. He'd finally be free! Sabo didn't look as thrilled.

"You're sure that won't cut skin?" Sabo asked.

"If it were going to cut skin, he'd already be bleeding," the doctor said over the loudness of the saw. Luffy was trying not to wiggle his fingers as the doctor did his job. The saw moved so slow down the cast and Luffy was itching to be able to move his arm freely again. Thank goodness he's getting it off before going to Egypt!

Luffy couldn't wait to ride camels like Kid promised. Oh, and they'd probably go see the pyramids that were in movies and stuff. That was going to be so fun! Not to mention all the cool sand dunes that they'd get to see. Luffy was determined to drive on one.

"All done," The doctor said as the cast fell away from Luffy's arm.

"Yes!" Luffy cheered, he held his hand out in from of him and flexed his fingers, and twisted his wrist around.

"Careful now, you're not in the clear yet," the doctor said, he looked over at the X-rays. "You'll need to wear a brace the next couple of weeks. You'll be able to take it off to bathe or sleep but otherwise, you should be wearing it most of the time. Don't wanna rebreak it."

"Alright!" Luffy agreed. Whatever it took to get him out of there faster. He was hanging out with Kid later since They were able to get his passport stuff figured out early.

"I'll be back with your brace," The doctor said, excusing himself from his room.

"How does it feel?" Sabo asked.

"Great!" Luffy chirped he held both hands out in front of him and curled both hands into fits before opening them again.

Sabo chuckled. "Lu, one arm is thinner than the other," Sabo observed.

"Hm?" Luffy tilted his head, looking at his arms. "Oh! You're right, that's so weird!" Luffy clicked his ankles together.

"At least you'll only have the brace on your trip, huh?" Sabo asked with a smile.

"Yeah!" Luffy agreed. "I was starting to think that thing would never come off!" Luffy couldn't wait to take his bike out properly now, sure he could drive it but he couldn't do anything cool or fun. Just normal driving. Now he could get Ace to show him how to do a wheely.

"I still can't believe you're going off to Egypt all on your own..." Sabo trailed off, rubbing his chin.

"I won't be all alone, Usopp is going! And Kid and Killer!"

"I think you'd be better off on your own in that case..." Sabo muttered.

Luffy frowned. "How come you guys hate Kid so much?"

"You're joking, right?" Sabo asked, surprised that Luffy didn't know the answer already.

"No?" Luffy looked at Sabo in confusion. "What was there to joke about?"

"It's just that it's so obvious, Kid keeps getting you into trouble, the bowling alley, the mall, hell, even your prom night!"

"Okay but I do stuff like that with my friends all the time," Luffy pointed out.

"You do not break into bowling alleys with your other friends," Sabo corrected.

"Okay, you're right with that one, but I do the other stuff!" Luffy said. Sabo had a hard time arguing that point. Sabo shrugged.

"Something about him just gives me a bad feeling," Sabo said.

"You're weird," Luffy decided as the doctor came back.

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