Chapter Seven: Catching Up and Looking Back

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A/N: this is real late in the day because I drove home today for thanksgiving and  my family was real happy to see me and they demanded my attention so now that things have calmed down I can post :3 enjoy! 

"What's this guy's history with voice acting? The audio you guys have is great!" A woman said as Law walked in the front door of Shachi's house. He had told Law to meet him here for a little while. The woman and Shachi were sitting at his couch with a laptop in front of them. 

"Nothing, he's spent the last four years in prison," Shachi said. 

"Really? Wait-" It took Law a moment to realize it was Bonney. She grew her hair out.  She wore a green hat that looked almost like a winter hat, despite it being spring. Her big brown eyes were as captivating as her voice. Saying she was beautiful did her no justice.

"He's amazing, it only took one session to record this," Shachi spoke proudly of Law. 

"No way, why won't you tell me his name?" Bonney huffed. 

"I'd ruin the surprise." Shachi leaned back as he spoke. 

"Hey," Law called as the door closed behind him.

"There you are," Shachi grinned at Law, pushing up the oversized hat he wore just a bit. 

"Law!" Bonney gasped when she saw him. "Holy shit!" Bonney jumped up from the couch, nearly knocking the laptop in front of her to the ground, and hugged Law. He hoped this would be the last time he was ambushed like this

"How the hell did you- oh my god!" Bonney stepped away, tears forming in her eyes. 

"Don't you follow local news?" Shachi asked her. 

"No! Shut up!" She snapped. "How've you been Law?" 

"Better now, than I have in a while," Law answered honestly. 

"Good," Bonney smiled at him, it was something sweet but sad. "You've gotta tell me how the hell you managed to get out."

"It's not really worth telling, Fai-ya did more work than I did."

"Well, I'll have to thank her." Bonney nudged Law with her elbow and it was like they were 17 again, in the halls of Grandline High, running late to class and stressing over the homework that didn't get done because they were busy screwing around at the skate park instead. 

"What was it you wanted me over for?" Law asked Shachi before his mind had the chance to linger on all the other stupid little things Law had missed out on. 

"Me and our beta over there just got done with the audio and I wanted you to listen to it." 

"Oh please, that's a blanket name for the shit I do for you dumbasses," Bonney said. Shachi ignored her comment. Law made his way over to the couch and sat down next to Shachi. Bonney sat down on the other side of him. 

"Here," Shachi grabbed the headphones that were sitting on the coffee table. "This is the audio Peng will upload tomorrow."  Shachi set the computer in Law's lap and Bonney leaned over him to rewind the audio. She smelt like something sweet. Law put the headphones on and listened. It was odd hearing his own voice, even odder considering he didn't sound anything like he had expected. The only part Law hadn't been aware of, was the 'weather report' in the audio, turning into a song but Penguib had said that something was going to be added to it. 21 minutes, and 29 seconds later, Law pulled the headphones off and returned them to the table. 

Bonney rested her elbow on Law's shoulder. "What do you think?" She asked. 

"It's certainly interesting, how do you plan on getting it out?" Law asked. 

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