Chapter Sixty-Nine: A Little Slower

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A/N: Im so sorry for the wait guys i really only intended my break to be one week but school just really vibe checked me. I finally got time this week to write and hopefully i can stick to this routine for next week. Anyway, enjoy! I hope you guys like this chapter and ill see you (hopefully) next week <3

Luffy couldn't help his smile as his lips parted from Laws. It followed their kisses as instinctively as taking in a deep breath. Luffy's very bones were bubbly with euphoria. Law looked at Luffy with hooded eyes and a small smile. They stood close and Law had one hand on Luffy's back. Luffy couldn't make up his mind on whether or not he wanted to kiss Law again or talk to him. Both options were equally as tempting. And both options filled him with the same nervous energy that pushed Luffy to explore anything and everything he could.

Law made it easy. He lifted Luffy's chin in a way that made Luffy's heart flutter and kissed Luffy again. Law cupped Luffys face in his hand and Luffy could just melt from that alone. He took hold of Law's shirt and pulled him closer. Their chests touching now. Luffy couldn't helo but wonder if Law could feel how hard and fast Luffy's heart was pounding. Luffy leaned back against the kitchen counter and Law chased the movement. He trapped Luffy between himself and the counter. Not that Luffy was complaining.

Law pulled away abruptly. Tearing their kiss apart and leaving Luffy wondering what was wrong. Then the front door shut with the click of the deadbolt locking. Luffy had never hated his brothers more. Law stepped away from Luffy which only brought him more dissatisfaction.

"Luffy?" Sabo's voice echoed through the mostly empty house. "You home?" Luffy didn't want to answer. He wanted to keep kissing Law. Maybe if he didn't answer, Sabo would just go to his room and Luffy could kiss Law again.

"Yeah!" Luffy called instead. Sabo would probably come into the kitchen in search of food anyway. Sabo followed Luffy's voice into the kitchen. Luffy could feel Law's eyes on him when Sabo came in. It made Luffy uneasy, or maybe anxious was the right word. Law never looked at Luffy like that before.

"Oh." Sabo paused when his eyes landed on Law. "Hey, Law, I didn't know you were here." Even Luffy could feel the tensions that still wrestled between the two. He knew Sabo had helped Ace and Lami keep an eye on Law while he was recovering but whether or not Sabo had completely forgiven Law for what happened after the accident, was beyond Luffy.

Sabo's eyes darted back and forth between Luffy and Law. He could only have been sizing them up. Taking in their appearances and the fact that they were here alone. Luffy half-expected Sabo to be upset or at least annoyed. Neither of those were the case. Instead, Sabo cracked a small smile. After the tension that had been festering, it was the last thing Luffy expected.

"Are you doing better now, Law?" Sabo asked. The question came from genuine concern. That made Law smile. Sabo still had mixed feelings about Law's overdose, that much was obvious. But he had forgiven Law and that's what mattered right now. The rest would come later.

"I am, thanks." The soft smile didn't leave Law's expression for so much as a moment.

"Good." Sabo paused again. He glanced at Luffy, then to Law, taking in their appearances one more time. "Looks like you held your word?" it wasn't really a question but the tone in Sabo's voice made it one. "You two look like you just got back from a date."

Something told Luffy that neither of them were going to escape Sabo's teasing tonight... or ever for that matter. Luffy ignored that thought.

"Yeah!" He grinned and glanced over at Law. "We wemt tp the aquarium! It was so fun and there was a huge whale that was hanging from the ceiling."

"The aquarium?" Sabo gave Law a questioning look with a raised brow to accompany it. "That's different, Law. Last I checked you only took first dates to one of three restaurants." That took Law by surprise. Not that Sabo knew that, more so that Sabo thought to compare Luffy to the people Law had dated in the past. Sabo was talking like it wasn't his younger brother that Law had just been on a date with. Luffy wasn't just another person Law found attractive and wanted to fuck. He was more than that. Is more than that.

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