Chapter Seventy-One: Bepo!

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A/N Im really sorry for waiting so long to update, I've had some issues with a roommate who really just turned my life upside down for a hot minute on top of being in the middle of finals for school. That roommate has now moved out and I'm on break now so i hope to god i can get some sanity back with some lawlu content i doubt ill be posting next week but i will have the next chapter up as soon as i can 

It wasn't often that it rained in LA, and that happening at the start of August was even more obscure. That aside, the sky was overcast and water was pouring down in billions of droplets. Law locked up the bookshop, cursing at himself for not bringing a jacket with him. Though, even with the rain, it wasn't very cold.

Still, Law didn't particularly like being wet, so a jacket would have really come in handy right now. Law tried the door handle to make sure it was locked before he set out for the night. Lucky for him, the bus stop wasn't too far from the bookshop. Only about a block away. Law turned to head towards the bus stop and the toe of his shoe met with a soggy cardboard box that meowed at him.

The box flaps were interlocked, it was closed with the intention of keeping it closed. The box was so beaten up, soggy, and old, that Law must have been hearing things when he hear that meek meow. No reasonable person would put an animal in that. Law's consciousness wouldn't rest until he made sure that there was no cat trapped in the box. The rain was coming down so hard there's no way everything inside that box wasn't completely soaked.

He crouched down next to the box and pulled the flaps open. It took no effort, the box melted in his hand. Inside the box was a wad of blankets completely soaked through. Just as Law expected, nothing inside was safe from the downpour.

Law had no desire to go picking through strange blankets in a strange box left in a parking lot in the middle of Los Angeles. So he stood and felt satisfied that there was nothing living inside the box.

That is until the blankets moved. And a tiny, white head accompanied by cat ears poked through the filthy, rag-like blankets. Law clicked his tongue. Who in their right mind would leave a kitten like this?

This kitten clawed its way to freedom and once it was out of the blanket wad it looked up at Law with its bright blue eyes. It was too young to be separated from its mother, which made the circumstances so much worse. Law slipped his backpack off and set it on his feet. He scooped the pathetic creature out of the box. Its fur was wet down to the skin.

"Well that can't be good," Law muttered. The kitten meowed at him as if to say, yeah, no shit.

Law dunked the kitten into his backpack there was a spot for it to nestle into next to the empty Tupperware from his lunch. He carefully picked the bag up and slipped it on. Law walked to the bus stop, taking care to pay attention to how much the bag bounced with his steps. He didn't want to scare the kitten too bad but this was the only way he was going to get it onto the bus. He couldn't just leave the kitten in the rain.

That brought Law to wonder if he could even have animals in his apartment. The way Law and Lami got into that place was so unusual, Law really had no clue. That shouldn't matter all that much, Law didn't really plan on keeping it. A kitten like this would get adopted quickly from a shelter, Law was sure of it.

Law found the bus stop and sat at the bench under the oning to take shelter from the rain.

Law carefully set down his backpack between his feet. He had left the top of it partially open so the cat didn't feel completely trapped. He peeked inside to check on the kitten. It was curled up in a ball at the bottom of his bag. The rain thudded against the plastic shelter and cars passing by sprayed water into the air. As if there wasn't enough of that already.

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