Chapter Fifteen: Driving and Drifting

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A/N: Okay yall ive been struggling a lot with writing and trying to balance working and school and my social life. And quite frankly I've had a bit of a relapse in terms of my depressive behaviors which i'd really rather not talk about. (if you want more info just check out my tumblr. That being said im taking a break from posting for the next 2-3 weeks, again more details on my tumblr. Take care~ and enjoy this chapter!! See you all soon <3

As it turns out, Luffy did need more help. And Law had the figured it'd be easier to just show Luffy rather than try to explain something that Luffy had reviewed a million times over. So Law was in Sabo's car with Luffy. He had just dropped Sabo off at the studio to work on his music. Law had Luffy go through all the parts he needed to know to take the written exam. 

Law explained how to back out as he did it. "Check to make sure no one's coming behind you, especially in big parking lots." Law did just that, he backed out slowly, telling Luffy exactly what he was doing the entire time, wheel turning and all. Luffy watched Law closely. Law kept the radio low the entire drive so Luffy wouldn't get distracted. 

Law pulled out of the parking lot, "Make sure to check both directions, even if you're only pulling into the right side of the road because someone can be trying to pull out ahead of you." 

"Oh, that makes sense," Luffy muttered. "Hey Torao, what about that thing about being close to big semi-trucks? That's confusing." 

"I'll show you when we're on the highway," Law said. "That's probably the only time we'll be close to a semi," Law said as he came up to a red light. Law took a right turn, mostly just to explain how that worked at a red light. 

"Oh, seriously?"Luffy asked when Law finished explaining. "Why couldn't the book just say that instead of making it all confusing?" 

"Textbooks are like that sometimes, you have to figure out how to read through all the bullshit."

"That's stupid," Luffy sighed. Law chuckled at that. 

"Yeah, it is." Law drove straight for a while before he saw the sign for the highway entrance. 

"What else confused you?" Law asked. 

"The thing with roundabouts and getting on the highway, oh, and yield signs!" 

"Yield signs are like yellow lights, you don't have to stop but you need to slow down and be ready to stop," Law explained. Luffy huffed. 

"You make it simple, why can't the book be like that?" 

"So the DMV can make more money off people who aren't used to reading through bullshit,"  Law muttered. 

Luffy sighed and Law pulled onto the ramp and started explaining. The highway was mostly clear, but Law pulled onto the shoulder and explained when that should be done. 

"Ohhhh!" Luffy hummed. Law knew he made the right call by showing Luffy rather than trying to teach it to him. Luffy learned through experience more than anything else. 

Soon enough they were coming up behind a semi. 

"Turn to the page with the picture of the Semi's blind spots," Law ordered. Luffy did. 


"Tell me whether or not you think we're in the blind spot," Law said. Luffy took a moment before answering.

"We are," Luffy said. Law nodded. 

"This is where you don't want to be for very long, if that semi tries to switch lanes, they can't see that we're here and they'll hit us." Law slowed down and drove along the side of the semi. 

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