Chapter Thirty: Questions...

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A/N: Hey yall I started classes today (all online obviously) though I have moved back on campus and idk i just feel really off. Covid has really fucked everything up and Im starting to feel the same way I did when everything shut down. Im at that point were nothing feels real again and I just can't wait for this shit to be over and go back to normal... I just that happens before I graduate uni,,,

on a lighter note~ hope ya'll like this chapter :3

Seeing Luffy in Kid's sweater made Law angrier than he had been in a long time and it had taken everything in him not to show it. Law couldn't fathom why he felt like that. Just—ugh, it didn't matter. He didn't need to be thinking about Luffy again. Especially not before recording with Penguin and Shachi. Luffy always distracted him. Law found a place to park before he went to the recording studio. As expected, Law found Shachi, Reiju, and Penguin were all there. They got to finishing up the episode.

It was the same old wacky shit, Law was pretty confident the idea for this storyline was not thought of sober. None of this could have been thought of sober with the forbidden dog park and glow clouds not to mention that damned cat, Koshek.

At least Law got paid to do it.

Recording went by a lot faster than Law expected. It felt like no time at all before Penguin was making suggestions for food. After recording they all went out to lunch, well it was too late to be lunch but too early to be dinner. Reiju didn't join them this time around. But Bonney met them at the restaurant. Law's wallet wouldn't be able to take much more of this

Truth be told, Law and Bonney never really talked about what happened at the party. Bonney never asked Law how he felt after Luffy took off and Law didn't bring it up. For the most part, they went about their relationship like it never happened. Law preferred it that way, he didn't really want to think about how he felt towards Luffy right now. And certainly not with Bonney in his life.

Still...Luffy was always on Law's mind, at least since that kiss. And the image of him in that damned sweater that was obviously too big for him wouldn't leave his head. It clung to his thoughts in the same way a foul smell lingered in the air.

"Law," Bonney nudged him, leaning forward in her seat and meeting his eyes. "You've been awfully quiet."

"Law's always quiet," Penguin said. "Anyhow, Carlos, our scientist—" Penguin turned to Shachi. "Falls in love with Cecil."

"That's so random!" Shachi huffed with the roll of his eyes. "How can that be realistic?"

"Are you joking?" Penguin elbowed Shachi's side. "Love is the most random occurrence in the universe. You don't plan that shit."

"He's right you know," Bonney said, sipping her from her water. "You can't control who you fall in love with, and it is pretty random." Bonney took a glance at Law and said nothing more.

"See?" Peng said, gesturing to Bonney across the table. "Carlos falls in love with Cecil. Cecil is already in love with Carlos, any of our fans will want it to happen."

"Give the people what they want!" Bonney cheered, pumping her fist and slapping the table.

Shachi groaned, rubbing his face and looking at Law. "What do you think?"

Law shrugged. "Doesn't matter to me." Law paused. "What's the reason for them not being together?"

"Do tell, Shach," Penguin said, resting his chin on the palm of his hand, waiting for Shachi to explain himself.

"You got me there, let them be gay and happy," Shachi conceded with a sigh.

"Thank you!" Penguin grinned and sat up straight again.

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