Chapter Sixty-Seven: The Waiting Game

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A/N: Hey guys!! Sorry i wasn't able to post last week, work has been taking a lot more out of me than I expected so I decided not to push myself too much to get this chapter out. In about two weeks ill be starting classes again so Ill be working less hours but ill also be in school so i might need to take some time off from writing but we'll see what happens when school comes around. 

thanks for understanding and see ya next week~ xoxo

At some point during their make-out session, Law and Luffy had ended up laying on Law's bed, cuddling. Their arms were wrapped around each other loosely and legs resting on top and between other legs. Law's blanket wrapped around them sporadically. A foot stuck out there, a knee here, and an elbow over there. The blanket was more for comfort's sake than warmth so that part didn't matter all that much. In reality, it was far too warm to be intertwined the way they were but the AC would kick back on soon enough and that wouldn't matter anymore.  

They were lying face to face exchanging small kisses between sentences that weren't really meaningless, but unimportant all the same. And Law weighed his thoughts. He wanted time to move faster. His impatience with himself was starting to fester and drive him as mad as the headaches. He knew he had to take his time with this though. It'd be better for him in the long run, and probably better for whatever relationship might grow between him and Luffy. 

However, Law really was starting to feel a lot better. Oh, sure there were still the cravings but even before his relapse, Law had cravings. It wasn't likely that those cravings would ever really go away. Now they were much worse than they used to be though. Time would ease their urgency. That or Law would grow numb towards them. 

As it were now, his body was sore and his head ached. And those were all things Law could tolerate. So it was about time Law remained true to his word. He gave Luffy a  small smile and graced his lips with a brief kiss. It brought a smile to Luffy's face, which Law would never pass up a chance to get even a glimpse of. 

"Lu," Law murmured. Of course, he had Luffy's attention right away there wasn't really a point in the last hour or so that he didn't have Luffy's attention. "Will you go to the aquarium with me this weekend?" It was only Tuesday so the weekend was far out still but that would give Law plenty of time to get over the soreness. Or at least that's what he was hoping for. If that weren't the case by the end of the week Law would just have to tolerate it. Luffy's time would be well worth the price. And it wasn't like Law couldn't take Tylenol or ibuprofen if the pain was intolerable. 

"The aquarium!?" Luffy's voice pulled Law away from his thoughts and Luffy's smile grew tenfold. It was contagious. The eagerness in his voice betrayed just how long he had been waiting for Law to get his shit together. And that had been far too long. Law wouldn't make Luffy wait a moment longer than necessary. 

"That is what I said," Law confirmed with as much nonchalance as he could manage. He had to keep cool in front of Luffy, especially now. 

"Yes! Will there be food?" Luffy asked. It always came back to food with Luffy. Law expected nothing less. And he had planned accordingly. 

"I'd be crazy to plan to take you on a date without buying you food, so of course." Law rolled his eyes. 

"A date?" Luffy's eyes sparkled with excitement and that too was as infectious as his smile. 

"That is what I said," Law repeated. What else could it have possibly been? 

"Shishishi, finally!" Luffy cheered. He happily pressed his lips to Law's before Law could say anything else. The moment they kissed Law completely forgot whatever comeback his mind had managed to work up anyway. So it couldn't have been all that good. One thing was certain though, the kiss was far better than any retaliation Law would ever be capable of coming up with. 

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