Chapter Sixty-Three: Trial and Error

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Law wasn't sure if he wanted to peel his skin off or carve out his stomach first. His skin was coated in sweat that made it sticky and oily. His body kept trying to puke but there was nothing left in his stomach. The last thing he tried to eat, he threw up immediately. To top that off, Law's entire body ached, and sitting on his bathroom floor did not help his cause at all. Law's stomach churned again and Law tried to at least mentally prepare himself for the god-awful dry-heaving he knew his body was going to force upon him.

"Hey, I got you some water, you should really drink some, you've been like this all night..." Lami set a glass on the bathroom counter near Law. She was right of course. Law's withdrawal started just after 24 hours had passed since his last dose. At first, it was just agitation, cravings, and sweating an unreasonable amount. But overnight it had gotten so much worse. Law had hardly any sleep, the air around him gave him chills but his skin was warm to the touch, so he just knew he had a fever.

Law had only been taking the Vicodin for about a week so he didn't think it would be this bad. But he had taken it every single day for a week. This apparently leads to spending the night with a toilet bowl, as Law learned all too well in the last 8 hours. Law didn't recall his withdrawal being this bad the last time. But the last time he did things properly, and with a doctor's help. And with substitution meds.

"Are you sure you're going to be alright?" Lami asked. She crouched down next to Law. The worry written into her expression didn't make Law feel any better. He must have looked like absolute shit.

"Yeah, go Ace will be here soon anyway," Law said. Lami pressed her lips together in a fine line. She was already in her work uniform and she was going to miss the bus if she didn't get out the door soon. Lami had already called Ace to make sure someone could get over here so Law wouldn't be alone. Law wanted to believe that was because she didn't want Law to have to take care of himself while he was sick but part of him knew, deep down that it was because she didn't trust Law to be alone right now.

"I still think I should wait for him, he said it might be a while before he can get here," Lami said.

"Get out of here already," Law muttered through a yawn that was trying to take hold of his throat.

"Are you sure?" Lami asked for the millionth time that morning. He was starting to get tired of her. Was this what it was like to have an older sibling? No wonder Lami didn't want to talk to him when he first got back to LA.

"Yes." Law put as much emphasis on the word as he could manage before retching into the toilet bowl. Law didn't need to look at Lami to know the grimace that crossed her face at the gross noise he made. Law's gagging devolved quickly into a grotesque cough that echoed in the bathroom.

"Please drink some water at least," she insisted once Law had managed to recover. Law was grateful for the glass. The coughing had rattled throat and chest.

"I'll drink it, but I can't promise I'll hold it down," Law said and reached for the glass Lami had gotten for him. He really wished he would hold it down. It was just water that his body desperately needed by now.

"Alright, call if you need anything," Lami said. Law waived her off and she reluctantly headed down the hall with her bag in hand. Law leaned back against the bathtub behind him and looked up at the ceiling.

This is actual hell, Law thought to himself. Maybe it wouldn't be as bad if Law got up off the floor. It wasn't likely he'd even make it out of the bathroom if he did though. Law took a small sip from the glass in his hand. Maybe if he drank the water slow enough he wouldn't throw it all up.

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