Chapter 5

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It was closing time and she still wasn't finished. But I wasn't going anywhere, she needed to know that she had played with my heart and my feelings. Not only that but had made me embarrass myself. And I hated embarrassing myself.

My eyes fixed on to the pub door, a wave of nerves and excitement courses through my entire body every time those doors swung open only to be left disappointed when it wasn't her. But it would be her soon. It was only a matter of time.

The night air was beginning to cut through me like a knife but the adrenaline was keeping me warm.

Not long now.

My patience finally paid off as I watched her stumble through the doors, giggling along with her friends as they were struggling to hold themselves up right. Now I began my second phase of waiting. Waiting to see how she would get herself home.

Would her friends call her an uber? Would she walk back with them as a group? Or my personally favourite, would she attempt to stagger herself home alone?

Watching as her friends began their goodbyes, still patiently waiting for her to make her move. My heart was pounding with excitement and dread now. This could have all been a complete waste of time if I can't get you alone like I had you at the bar.

The group finally dispersed in separate directions. Unfortunately one of her friends had the sense to walk with her. I had waited this long and wasn't about to give up yet.

I had to be careful not to be seen, so kept a safe distance away from them both. Crowds of people exiting the other pubs around us would help me blend in and not rouse any sort of suspicion.

None of this would have been necessary, Katie. All she had to do was be you and this wouldn't be happening right now. But she wasn't you, she played with my emotions. Stupid girl.

I continued to follow them as they continued walking. Watching her shiny bare legs almost give way under her on more than one occasion, her short black skirt, not leaving much to the imagination. She was gorgeous and if things were different maybe I would be taking her home right now because obviously she looked like you so was my type and if truth be told, I probably would like to fuck her.

But life threw me another curveball and I had to hit it.

Relief poured from my soul as I watched her stop off at her friends house to drop her off. Their long goodbye and embraces pushing me to my limit. Just get a fucking move on!!

Finally she was alone, walking the big, dark streets by herself. Drunk and still stumbling her way down the road.

My time had come.

I walked quickly to cut her off at the next junction, I had to be quick even though she was drunk and moving slowly, she still had less ground to cover than I did, so I needed to get a move on.

Jogging my way around the block, I could see the junction ahead and hoped she hadn't found a second wind and was no miles ahead of me. As I reached the corner, I turned my head slowly.

Bingo! She hadn't made it yet.

As she made her way towards me, I made my move.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't see you coming." I shook my head in an attempted apology as she released a huge scream with high echoes around the calm night air.

"Are you okay?" I asked as I placed my hand on her shoulder, watching as she visibly shook.

"Get the fuck off of me!" She yelled.

No need to be rude. It was an accident.

"I'm sorry." I knew she recognised me by this point but decided it best for her to make the next move as I walked past her.

"Hey, I know you..." I could see her brain searching for a place to fit my face.

I stopped and turned around. "Yes, it's you from the pub. Shit! I'm sorry but you just scared me."

I mocked a thinking face. "Oh, it's you. The person I though was someone else. What are the chances of bumping into you again? Literally bumping into you!"

She laughed and I could see the relief in her face. Now was time to make my gentlemanly move.

"You shouldn't be walking home alone drunk. Please, let me walk you home."

Always the gentleman, Katie. Like that time I gave up my seat for you. Remember?"

She politely declined my offer. "No, you don't have to do that. You're going the opposite direction."

I shrugged. "Please? I will sleep much easier tonight knowing that you made it home safely tonight."

She smiled hesitantly and who can blame her? Would anyone accept this offer?

Finally she accepted. "Only if you're sure?"

"I insist." Laying my hand out allowing her to lead the way. Which also gave me the opportunity to put my gloves on while her back was turned.

We talked for a while and guilt surrounded me. Not only was she pretty but she seemed like a really lovely person. She had a really good job in the hospital and was on the cusp of a promotion. It seemed such a shame.

Did she know you, Katie? Was her promotion anything to do with you? Did you see the lovely person she is like I do?

Numerous times I wanted to ask if she knew you but it would make this so much more personal than it needed to be?

She entered the park first. She told me it was a shortcut and would take 5 minutes off of our walk. She said she would never walk through here by herself.

We reached a blind spot in the park where we were now almost invisible to anyone and that's when I wrapped my hand around her mouth and wrestled her to the ground.

With her eyes looking directly into mine as I added extra pressure to her throat, her vocal cords trapped, unable to scream out for help, I watched as the life left her eyes, slowly ending her life in the most personal of acts. She was helpless, she had no fight left in her, she tried to scratch but ultimately accepted what was happening and I watched with intrigue as she drew her final breath and there she was under my grip. Lifeless.

Did she deserve that? Not at all. Did she cause her own death by playing with my mind all night? Absolutely.

She was someone but she wasn't you...


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