Chapter 53

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My smile grew wider.

"What did you do?"

You look at me, more worried than you had at hearing that I had murdered two people which was odd. I can't Imagine the look on your face if I had killed him, which I wish I had. Maybe there's still time?

"Okay, so I knew you had dropped my name in to the police. Which hurt by the way, Katie. I won't lie."

You rolled your eyes at me again. "But how?"

"Bradley, may not have been telling the whole truth while you were talking to him on Facebook."

"How did you.....Noooooo! You were Bradley?!"

I shrugged and smiled lightly. "Not my finest hour, I'll admit but needs must, Katie. I knew you couldn't resist him. He was like Ricky, you always levitated back to one of them so it was a no brainer really. Anyway, so I may or may not have planted some evidence at his house, well outside the house actually. I used a mask the night I killed Nicola, so even she didn't know who killed her which probably scared her even more. Can you imagine just staring at a mask while the life is being choked from you? Must have been horrendous for her."

Your face scrunched up. "You're sick, Tommy! Do you know that?"

"Maybe a little, yeah. So anyway, after the police had interviewed me, I may have tipped them off anonymously about the mask and her number plate in his possession. It didn't take them long to find, I hadn't hidden them particularly well and seeing him today, heading straight over to you like the leech he was. I may have tipped them off in regards to his whereabouts this afternoon."

I took a moment to let that information sink in before continuing.

"I mean, come on. Getting arrested at the funeral of the person you had allegedly murdered was quite the touch and that dickhead loved being centre of attention, ever since we were kids so before you ask. No, I didn't feel any guilt or remorse. I knew he would get released eventually so it not like I framed him properly, is it? Just bought me the hours I needed to spend with you again."

I had gone from being lost for words, to spilling my entire heart out. Admitting all of the wrongs I had made. The tables had now turned, you were now the one quiet and still very topless for the record.

"So, let me get this straight. Everything you have done to get us where we are right this very moment, was for me?"

I wasn't sure where this was going but I nodded along in agreement. "Yes."

"Right, so if that is the case and as shocked and appalled as I am at you right now, you got what you wanted. I'm here and I was very willing to give up my entire life for us to be together. Why now, are you telling me that it's not possible?"

I looked at you even more confused than I was when you told me you wanted to be with me.

"Well, isn't it obvious? It's all going to catch up with me eventually. So I'll end up in prison for the rest of my life, so why would you give up everything for what you are potentially gaining for it all to be taken away within days? Maybe weeks?"

"What makes you think you'll get caught?"

Well, Katie. You snitched on me without knowing the truth so I don't actually trust that you'll keep all of this information to yourself, for starters.

"Because, I may have killed Caroline this afternoon too. Before you say anything, we both know she had that coming for a long time and I knew Ricky would be released so I had to be quick about it, so wasn't as careful this time. My DNA is all over her and her house, so yeah. I'm fucked basically."

"You killed her too? Today? When you took her home?"

I nodded slowly, actually feeling very proud about that one, if I'm honest. I reached out my hand to yours and you slowly pulled yourself away.

"I'll be back in a minute."

I watched as you stumbled as you tried to get to your feet, laying one arm back on the bed to steady yourself, but it was pointless. The cocktail of drugs in your coffee were beginning to take affect. Unfortunately, that was part of the story I forgot to mention. Maybe if I had told you I had spiked your coffee in the same way I had spiked Caroline's, you may have put up more of a fight.

This was it, Katie. It was time. There was no walking away from me again. You were mine to keep now. Forever.

Your eyes rolled as you sat yourself back down again, unsteady, I slowly laid you down on the pillow beside me. Maybe I should have gotten you dressed, at least giving you some dignity as you take your final breath.

Remember when Nickelback first came out while we were in school and you would mock me for singing along to 'How You Remind Me' over and over again? Well, there's only one band I felt fitting to be the last song you would ever listen to.

"Alexa - Play 'Someday' by Nickelback."

I thought this song was quite fitting given the moment we were in.

I closed my eyes as the cocktail of drugs, I also poured into my own coffee began to take hold of my body. The room began to spin and it was time to cuddle up behind you. Both of us laying in the fetal position, I was big spoon obviously and it felt so good having my hand on your stomach as I pulled your ass into my body.

The final piece of the jigsaw, Katie.

If only you could see us now. We looked so sweet together, so in love we were the modern day Romeo and Juliet and in a way you were getting what you asked for. You wanted us to be together and here we were about to be together forever.

I could feel your breathing slowing down. I didn't want to watch you slip away. I couldn't bring myself to watch you take your breath. I wanted to hold you, to make sure you were okay. We were snuggled up as I felt my own body closing down on me.

My eyes were heavy, almost impossible to lift my eyelids by this point, I could feel my breathing slowing down. I refused to fight it, this was the only way.

As I began to slip from consciousness and gave you one final kiss on the back of your head, the faint sound of Nickelback was still playing in the background, the last song we would ever hear.

'How the hell'd we end up like this?
And why weren't we able
To see the signs that we missed?
To try and turn the tables
Now the story's played out like this
Just like a paperback novel
Let's rewrite and ending that fits
Instead of a Hollywood Horror.'

"Sweet dreams, Katie."

"I love you"

The End...


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