Chapter 11

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The weekend had passed without much more action and I include sexual action. You would have thought being kid free would have freed up Ellie and myself to partake in some nocturnal fumbling but that was married life for you! A child free weekend was the perfect opportunity to catch up on some much needed sleep for us both. We had reached that point in our lives where sleep had taken priority over being intimate.

It was Monday morning and like any Monday morning, the feeling that the weekend went past in the blink of an eye to centre stage in my mind as I stepped on to the packed train.

There really should be a third day for weekends. Who decided that two was enough?

The train ride was a monotonous as usual, although this time I had something more on my mind other than the dreaded Monday morning meeting that was waiting for me at the other end of the train line.

I had hardly slept a wink over the weekend, the guilt at what I had done to that poor young woman was overbearing but on the flip side, the adrenaline from said act had left me hungry for more...

The way her eyes pleaded for me to stop, the way she fought for her life was commendable but the sound of her last breath was something I will never forget. If she had been who I thought she was and hadn't had played with my emotions like that, then she would have made it home that night but she tricked me into thinking she was someone else, someone I loved, someone I craved. My Katie.

The thought that you were out there somewhere with no idea of the sacrifice I just made for you. Would it make you want me again, if you knew?

If not, I had another plan that would no doubt make you stand up and take notice, maybe even show your face to me again.

I just had to bide my time but I wasn't finished.

As I flashed a quick glance at a passenger opposite who was too busy reading the free newspaper to notice my glance, I couldn't help but be drawn to the front page.

Nurse Found Dead in London Park.

Well, well, well. Looks like somebody is famous!


The afternoon was dragging like an absolute bitch. I couldn't focus at all today, knowing that the police are probably out there looking for the culprit of the murder right now.

Did I leave anything behind? Is my DNA all over her or around her? Are they checking CCTV? Did they see us together? Even worse, did they see me with my hands around her throat?

I was quickly running out of time, who knew when my card would be called? I had to trigger phase two quicker than I anticipated.

"Tommy, you coming to this meeting?"

I looked up from my phone and held up one finger to gesture, I'd be there in a minute. I typed the name into the search bar quickly and the person appeared almost instantly.

This was it.

Add Friend.

Hopefully, if she was as sad and as desperate as she used to be for friends 20 years ago, then I would hope that by the end of this meeting, she would have accepted and added me back.

I left my phone face down on my desk as I stood up, I didn't need that burning a hole in my pocket while trying to concentrate in the meeting. I'd be checking my phone every two seconds. Good things come to those who wait and all that shit.

The meeting was pointless and of no interest to me whatsoever. Honestly, who decides to invite people to pointless meetings where their input is not required? Waste of my fucking time.

"Tommy, did you hear about that poor nurse over the weekend? Wasn't too far from you, was it?"

Why you asking?
Who sent you?

I turned to one of my coworkers and shrugged. "Yeah, I did hear about that. Terrible isn't it? And a nurse? Who the fuck would do that to a nurse of all people? After all they have done for us in the past year or so."

I had to lay it on thick. Not that this skinny bastard would suspect me right now but you have to go with the majority opinion just in case.

"Yeah, it's awful. Did you know her?"

I looked puzzled at his question. "Why would I know her, Glenn? It's not like a work in a hospital. What a stupid fucking question!"

"No I mean because you live near there, don't you?"

I shook my head. "No, I grew up in that area but I don't live near there. So no, detective. I didn't know who this girl was. Sorry to disappoint."

I ended the conversation on the spot by walking back to my desk. What a freak. But then again, there are people like that aren't there? Who get off on this kind of news. He probably sits at home in front of the News at 10 with his little friend out, bashing one out to the most recent murder or kidnap we're being informed about.

Each to their own but it helped me keep my wits about me around him now. If he had any idea how close he was to the truth, he'd fucking snitch to the police in seconds.

As I sat back down, before unlocking my laptop, I couldn't resist the urge to check on my phone.


Nicola Adams has added you as a friend.

"You silly girl." I whispered to myself.

Oh and look at that as if the add wasn't good enough, it looks as if she has left me a bonus message too.

'Hey, Tommy.  So nice to see you the other day. I know this might be a little forward but would you like a drink sometime? Not in that way! But I have thought about you for years and how I would like to apologise for the way I used to act around you. Please say yes...'

Honestly, Nicola. You have no idea how much I want to see you again. But before I reply, I have more pressing matters to deal with.

I tapped on her friends list and rather than typing in the name, I thought it would be more fun to torture myself by scrolling down to find her. I could feel my heart beating like crazy as I reached K.


Come on Katie, you must be on Facebook.

Everyone is on Facebook!


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