Chapter 29

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I had to calm myself down before picking up the Bradley character again, I was angry Katie, angry with you for contacting the police, you knew nothing about me any more so to make assumptions like that and come up with theories about me killing Nicola hurt my heart.

I mean, you were right so kudos for that but of all the people you could have turned against. Why me?

It's okay though because something tells me it won't be long until the person I set up to take the fall gets a knock at the door, the evidence is there waiting for the police to uncover and you better duck because the shit will hit the fan.

Until then, I shall continue to carry on my double life as usual, once I calm down obviously. I didn't even know what I was capable of anymore and I knew one thing was certain.

I didn't want to hurt you.


Days went by without any real updates from the police. My new Facebook page was filling up with fake news links and pictures of Nicola.

What about Philippa? Why did nobody care about her anymore? Is it because her 'killer' was behind bars?

That case was well and truly closed. The homeless man charged with her murder was to appear in front of a judge today for sentencing. He turned down the opportunity of a trial, which couldn't have been any better for me but the questioned still remained. Why? Why would he take the charge? Why was he willing to spend the rest of his life convicted of a murder he didn't commit?

Once the drama had subsided, I will go and visit him inside. Perhaps that is too risky? Maybe I'll write him a letter without giving too much away. I don't need a confession letter being passed around prison. I'd have to play it safe but I needed to at least thank him in my own way at some point.

Now, there has been one thing playing on my mind. After our chat the other day where you mentioned how Caroline had made up all of those lies about me to turn you against me.

Should I go and pay her a visit, Katie?

I found the bitch on Facebook, she looks happily married now, living the high life although her face could do with less Botox and fillers.

Have you seen the size of her lips now?

But with the police so hot on my tail, any slip up could cost me. If they're keeping a close eye on me now there is no way I could get away with another murder, as much as she deserves it.

You unknowingly have just saved her life and she can't even thank you for it. Maybe once this all blows over and the police fizzle the investigations out once both cases become solved, maybe then I can pay her a little visit and blow another case wide open for the police. I'm pretty sure I'd be found guilty of that one, 100% I'd be the main suspect and it would be messy, she was a fighter so I would leave some DNA or evidence behind. It wouldn't be a straight forward job.

Not a chance.


Later that evening, with Ellie out at another gym class and the kids sound asleep, I found myself lost in the abyss that Facebook can put you in. Searching for any random person you have ever met in your life and being nosey when you come across one that is stupid enough to have their profile open for the world to see.

It's amazing how much information you can find out online, people really do put their whole lives online for the world to see. Stupid really because you never know what maniac is sitting on their phones watching, waiting for an opportunity to come back into your life and cause you a world of pain.

There are some sickos out there, Katie.

It does become tiring looking at everyone's fake lives after a while so I decided to drop you a message, hoping you were awake and willing to give me some of your time.

'Hi Katie, how are you? Have you heard any more about Nicola? Any suspects?'

Was that too strong?

I soon found myself on your profile again as I waited for your response.

Were you as happy as your online life showed?

Was your husband a perfect man? You don't often post about him, hardly any pictures of you together.

Is everything okay?

Are you really happy?

Maybe you were, you never were an active Facebook user so maybe you just decided that you wasn't prepared to show the world everything. I couldn't blame you for that.

I soon found your most recent holiday photos. It looked like you were in Malta, there's something distinctive about Malta. It was beautiful and it looked like you had the best time. A few selfies with your hubby and you did look happy, you looked content. Was this holiday a marriage saver?

Then I came across a photo that was just pure gold dust to me. One I would definitely spend some alone time looking at.

Your skin beautifully tanned, your brown hair slightly sun bleached with a tinge of blonde, your body looked amazing in the black bikini you wore that day, the cheeks of your ass peachy and my God did I want to grab it, just to feel those cheeks in my hand, my fingers digging in as I pulled your sweaty tanned body closer to me.

Fuck! I needed you! NOW!!!

In an awkward turn of events, your reply came through as the length in my boxers grew harder for you.

'Hey Bradley! I'm okay, still trying to come to terms with it. The police interviewed Tommy the other day and it turns out his alibi was confirmed by someone he worked with apparently. He couldn't have done it. Now I feel awful for even putting him in the frame. Please keep this between us!'

YES!!!! I'm in the clear again!!!

'I'm not going to say anything, don't worry :) but I didn't think Tommy would do something like that, he's never been an angry person but I get why you suspected him. It probably was odd of them to meet but maybe they just wanted to put the past behind them. We are older and wiser now after all, but don't beat yourself up over it.'

The adrenaline was pumping around my body at this point, maybe I replied a little too quickly. I needed to play it cool but I never could around you but on the plus side. It's Bradley looking keen this time. Not me.

Back to that bikini photo....Fuck, you're beautiful. I needed you right here, right now, on my sofa.

You won't regret a night with me Katie and deep down at some point in your life you would have fantasised about us in bed together, I have no doubts about that.

You replied once more.

'Thank you Bradley. I heard from Nicola's family that the police will be releasing her body in a few days as they have all of the evidence from it that they need, so I'll probably be back in touch when I hear about funeral details. Will you want to be there?'

A wry smile appears on my face. This is it, the moment I get to finally see you again in the flesh, the moment we can attempt to rekindle whatever it was we were all those years ago. I know you will feel those butterflies when you see me again, all those memories will come flooding back. I'm sure of it. And best of all, you have guilt about putting me in the frame for Nicola's murder so you will feel the need to make it up to me and be overly nice. 

That is what will lead us into bed Katie.

Your guilt.


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