Chapter 15

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You see the thing about meeting people off of the internet, it's very dangerous. You'd think meeting someone you already knew through the internet would be safe, wouldn't you?

I hope Nicola was feeling safe. I wouldn't want to make her feel uncomfortable, that's why I made sure I showed up early just so she wasn't standing around waiting for me for too long. I knew that when she saw me she would feel okay, that familiar face giving her a sense of reassurance.

It shocked me that she didn't appear pleased to see me.

Let me explain...


I made sure my jacket was securely fastened again once I had tossed away the newspaper, zipped up to my chin and my hood securely placed over my head. It was a chilly evening, so being wrapped up like I was, didn't alert anyone of any suspicious activity. I couldn't afford the extra attention right now.

Nicola and I had planned to meet at a bar not far from where she worked. Just on the outskirts of London. I knew she drove to work this morning as she had mentioned that she wouldn't be drinking any alcohol tonight due to needing to drive, which was absolutely fine. I didn't need to take a drunken mess back home, I couldn't have anyone think that we were actually together, could I?

Even the thought of it now makes me shiver.

Anyway, as much as I despised her, I couldn't make her travel to the pub alone so I thought I would surprise her after her shift ended.

The good thing about being brought up in the area of London that we grew up in was that getting access into cars without a key was part of our make up, a part of our DNA and the CCTV cameras in the shopping mall car park were no longer an issue thanks fo Amazon Prime delivery, I was able to obtain a mask with LED lights around the outer layer which meant all the cameras would pick up would be a blur of light.

How clever and inventive is that? It's amazing these types of things are so easily accessible.

After less than 10 seconds, I heard the click of the car door open. Success and no alarm. School girl error, Nicola. Maybe you'll learn to secure your possessions after this.

I waited for what seemed like an eternity for her to arrive. I knew I had time to kill so rummaged through her belongings and found her music collection. Terrible taste in music which didn't surprise me much but having the music on did make the time pass by even though it was making my ears bleed.

The clock on her dashboard finally come around to her finishing time, it was time for me to surprise her.

Drivers seat? No chance.

Passenger seat? Too obvious.

Back seat? Possibly but it wouldn't really do the trick.

Hiding in the footwell behind the drivers seat? Perfect.

That would give her the biggest surprise, wouldn't Katie? She would shit herself, wouldn't she?

This is going to be hilarious. I wish you were here to see it.

My heart was now pounding out of my chest with excitement and nervousness as I heard footsteps approaching the car.

Should I jump out now?

No, too soon.

I felt her fat ass squash down on the seat. Fuck! I hope she doesn't need to push the seat back any further or my cover would be blown and the surprise ruined.

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