Chapter 34

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It had been 3 and a half years since I last saw you face to face and if I'm honest I had imagined us meeting again some day but not like this. This was the last way I would ever imagine meeting you again.

I'd heard rumours you were working at the local hospital but had always avoided the Accident and Emergency room as if the rumours were true, you worked that desk.

It was Boxing Day and the pain coursing through my body was something I had never felt before, I was constantly being sick. Christmas dinner had well and truly been rejected that year, which was a shame because Caroline's mother was a very good cook.

The pain refused to subside but I wasn't one to run to the hospital for anything, I was pretty sure it was just a bug and would pass.

Caroline didn't care, she just watched me suffer while she continued her life as normal, playing drinking games with her relatives that had showed up that afternoon while I was crippled in pain by whatever was going on inside me. I think at one point when she did finally agree to bring me some painkillers she told me to 'man up' and to stop 'ruining her Christmas' apparently she thought I was faking it to get out of spending time with her family.

I was in no fit state to argue. I had to ride this pain out, it was no sharp and shooting through my back, like someone had taken the carving knife used on the Turkey the previous day and proceeded to stab me over and over again in the back.

It took me another three times of throwing up to decide that the hospital was the place I needed. I didn't realise it was possible to have this much to puke up. It was relentless, my throat, stomach and back muscles were now aching from the constant pressure my body was now under.

Do you remember when I showed up at the hospital and you were there. Standing up from your desk when I walked in. Did I look that bad? If you remember that then you will also remember that I came in alone, hunched over and in agony.

You were as professional as you had to be and took my details, booking me in to be seen. You could have pulled a few strings to get me seen a little sooner though, Katie.

Two hours passed and I was still alone, laid out across the seats in the waiting room, you kept on coming over to check on me when you were quiet, bringing me an endless supply of water and painkillers, maybe you were pulling strings for me after all.

All I wanted was for you to make me feel better and take me home with you. You would have comforted me, wouldn't you?

My phone rang as you were beside me, you kindly took the phone from my hand. If you didn't already know who I was with, you were about to in about two seconds.

You told her I was fine and was being looked after, but the conversation continued and I wasn't main topic was I? I was an after thought to her once she realised who she was on the phone to and when you snapped at her, I knew you still cared.

"Yeah, I'm not sure this is the right time for a catch up. He is fine, just waiting to be seen."

As much pain as I was in, your defensive tone made me smile. You just stood up for me without even realising. I'm sure you would have done the same for anyone in my position but I want to let you know that show of defence made my heart smile and the pain subside for about 5 seconds.


Whatever you said or whether it was just a case of her feeling threatened that you were on the end of the phone and beside me in my time of need, it only took her 10 minutes to walk through the automatic doors of the entrance. Putting on a show as always, making herself the centre of attention, running towards the seats I was still laid across, legs curled up in the fetal position trying to push the pain away.

She Wasn't YouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora