Chapter 47

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I decided to park my car a distance away from the pub, just in case any cameras picked me up along the way. This little area of houses seemed to be clear of any traffic cameras but I couldn't be 100% sure.

It was still mid-afternoon as I strolled back towards the pub. Triple checking my appearance and I was almost still immaculate, a few creases in my shirt from sitting down but nothing major. It was quite a clean job in all honesty. She didn't fight, so there was no scratch marks, certainly no blood anywhere. It was a simple in and out kill. My appearance certainly wouldn't raise any alarm bells when I walked back in.

All in all, I feel it was a job well done and felt I deserved the cold pint that should be waiting for me on my return. That's if Danny actually dusted off the cobwebs from his wallet and opened it for once in his life.

Composing myself as I walked in, taking one final breath. Here we go. Time to make up for lost time.

I walk over to Danny who's now sat alone, he smiles a stupid grin in my direction, pointing down at the pint sat opposite him. "Now who's the tight one?"

"Thanks mate, this is needed and you must know I'm joking about the whole tight with your money comments. We both know you'd give away your last penny if it meant helping someone. Stop being so precious" I shake his hand as I sit down. Not sure why we do that as we had only been apart for an hour at the most but it was another one of our nice little gestures.

"Where's Katie?"

He rolled his eyes. "Relax, she's just gone to the ladies room. She hasn't run away again just yet."

I look at the table and see your wine glass half empty, the glass still wet from the cold content inside, so you must have stuck around with Danny waiting for me to return.

Very cute, Katie. Very cute.

Keeping one eye on the bathroom door, I smile towards you as you re-appear. "Oh great you're back." You said sarcastically. "Danny and I were having a moment and if you hadn't have come back, I might just have taken him home but you've gone and ruined that now, haven't you?" You smiled and winked across at Danny.

"Well it wouldn't be the first time you ditched me for someone else now, would it?" I smirked back in your direction. Half joking, half being as serious as I could but thankfully you took it as the former and playfully hit my shoulder.

"You're a fine one to talk, Mr Romeo of the school, always having some girl hanging off of your arm. Could never be alone or wait for me, could you?"

I could sense Danny was feeling very much like a spare part now. Fortunately he was always good at reading a situation. He stood up and made his way over to another table with a few guys he was closer to than I was and struck up a conversation. Leaving us alone to reminisce.

"Wait for you? I waited for you for four years in school for you to decide who you wanted. I stand by my decision to play the field a little too, I'd have had a lonely school experience if I had sat around waiting for you. Surely it wasn't that difficult to pick between the three of us? Ricky is a dickhead, Bradley was cool but so not your type so that just left good old me. What's not to love?" I smile as I look down over myself, if only to lighten to darkening route this conversation was going down.

You nodded and smiled. "Why didn't you tell me about Ricky and Bradley all those years ago? We could have saved ourselves a heck of a lot of heartache."


"Anyway, how's Caroline. Did you get her home okay? Haven't left her in a ditch somewhere, have you?"

You paused instantly. I couldn't figure out whether you had just thrown that in as an accusation or whether you just remembered where we were and how Nicola was found, so that comment probably wasn't the smartest. Judging by the panic in your eyes as you scanned the room it wasn't aimed towards me.

"Bad choice of words?" I smile trying to ease you back into the room.

"Maybe just a little." You giggled and it was nice to see you ease up and soften towards me again, the walls were down. Mainly due to the alcohol but I'll take it however it comes.

"And in answer to your question. Yes, I got her home safely. Judging by the state she was in when we got there, she'll sleep through the rest of the afternoon and all night. She was out of it."

You nodded and finished off your wine. "Another?" I asked looking at you place the glass back down. "Oh go on then! You twisted my arm."

Standing up and heading to the bar, you took my hand and looked up at me. "This is nice isn't it? Just the two of us like the old days....well without Nicola trudging along behind."

Ah-ha! So you did notice that too? And it clearly bothered you just as much.

I smile down at you softly. "It's perfect."

And it was Katie, I loved spending time with you and this felt so normal, like we had never been apart.

Were you falling for me all over again?


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