Chapter 41

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My heart pumped faster than I think it had ever pumped before. Seeing you again for the first time in years brought all of those memories flooding back. I know this was a funeral but my fuck you looked sexy! What underwear did you have on under that dress?

"Tommy. Let's go in"

I turned to see Danny stood behind me, tears still in his eyes, his tone much more mournful now. "Sure" I nodded and turned back towards you, your face didn't change direction towards me but I couldn't see your eyes.

Were you looking at me out of the corner of those pretty orbs?

I was instantly annoyed at Danny, he knew I was waiting for you all this time, so why pull me away before I had the chance to speak to you? Why would he do that?

I politely nodded and followed him into the chapel as the coffin was being brought out of the car.

"You okay mate?" I rested a hand on his shoulder to reassure him that I was there for him. Even if he did just piss me off, I loved this guy and hated seeing him this upset. Lord knows how he would react if he knew I was the cause.

You caught my eye again as you took a seat near the front. I did notice you were alone which pleased me thoroughly. Where was William? Too busy? Or did you have an argument this morning?

The room fell silent as Nicola's coffin was being brought in by her family and friends. It was an odd sensation I felt, still no guilt but as much as I despised her, it was sad to know that she was lifeless in that box with no change of return. Sure, we had some bad times but on the odd occasion we did get along and shared some good times too. Needless to say, the bad outweighed the good by a long way.

Still it was sad, especially seeing you sobbing as you watched her carried in, Katie. Do you want a hug?


The service dragged on and on, it felt like we were in there for a lifetime. Danny even had to nudge me three times to wake me up. It was like being back in a geography lesson in school. Yes, I was known for my impressive sleeping skills. My mother would always tell people that I could fall asleep on an ironing board if the opportunity arose.

What can I say? It's a skill.

Eventually, the curtains around her coffin were closed slowly. Sobs could be heard, echoed around the old chapel walls, wails of crying soon took over as Nicola's mother said goodbye to her daughter for the final time. Family members getting up, congregating around her in an attempt to calm her down.

"Danny, is there a wake after this? I'm in desperate need a drink. This would drive anyone to alcohol." I rolled my eyes and pretended to sleep again.

He tried to stifle a laugh. "What the fuck is wrong with you? And yes, there is a wake. In our local pub straight after."

"Thank fuck for that."

As I looked back up I saw you standing, your sunglasses were off and your eyes, even though a little puffy from crying, were still as beautiful as ever. I could tell you were trying your best not to make eye contact with me. I knew you felt guilty and embarrassed about calling the police but I've forgiven you, don't worry. If it helps, imagine how I'm feeling being here after what I did. Some of us just hide guilt better than others, I guess.

I felt a nudge into my arm, I turned to Danny who gestured for me to look across the room. "It's your best friend."


And unsurprisingly was walking straight towards you, Katie. Some things never change, huh?

"What the fuck is he doing here?" I whispered to myself.

Danny could sense something was wrong. "Tommy, you okay?" My jaw clenching, he wasn't meant to be here. Why was he here?

I nodded to Danny before standing up and squeezing passed him without making eye contact. "Yeah, sorry I just need to make a phone call."


"Hey! What's taking so long?"

As soon as the call connected, I felt another hand on my shoulder. Turning around to see yet another familiar face, I could do without seeing today.

I smiled politely and lifted a finger up to indicate I'd be done in a second.

"Well, just make sure it's quick. If he finds out, he'll disappear. Do you need me to do your job for you?"

I put the phone down and back in my pocket.

"Caroline, what a lovely surprise." I say sarcastically. "The shows finished if that what's you're here for? And judging by that dress, either you're here for the funeral or you've just been working a local street corner."

"You're such a prick, but you knew that already. Yes, I'm fully aware I'm late but I just thought I'd pop by to pay my condolences to her family. You know, like a good human being."

"How noble of you, when did you actually grow a heart?"

"I assume you're only here for one reason. Does Ellie know that Katie is here? And that you're still desperate to get that tiny thing you call a penis inside her after all these years?" She smiles and mentally high fiving herself.

I shrug. "Don't remember this pathetic little thing being a problem when it was shoved down your throat and gagging. But then again, you've had so many cocks in your pussy I wouldn't be shocked to know you didn't feel anything with anyone."

"Don't worry poor little Tommy boy, I'll let Katie know you're still sniffing around when I speak to her in a minute. Just watch me rip you to pieces again and shrivel up as we both laugh at you."

"You do whatever makes you happy, Caroline." She walks away with a smirk, swaying her hips thinking she was something special.

Oh, I plan on doing just that, Caroline. Just you wait and see.


This book hasn't quite hit the heights I would have liked so if you are still reading and see this thank you!

Please let me know what you think so far as the lack of comments and interactions is killing me haha!

She Wasn't YouDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora