Chapter 19

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The next few days went by without much drama. I had been keeping a close eye on any news for any developments with the Philippa case and from what I was reading it would appear they were inching closer to naming the suspect they were searching for which felt like a huge weight as nothing Lee me to believe I was in the frame at all.

I had also been keeping an eye on Nicola's Facebook and it was becoming more and more apparent that the police would begin sniffing around soon. I see her fiancé had started an online campaign to search for Nicola which would have made any normal person feel guilty but I felt nothing, if anything I felt lighter that she was no longer around to burden anybody else and knowing that she would now not be able to follow you around like a bad smell, Katie. You were finally free to live your life as you wished without her breathing down your neck.

I was looking through the comments to her fiancé's post. And I must admit the people popping up and offering their help to search was laughable. I remember the majority of these people from school and all of them hated her but I guess times have changed now haven't they? We've all grown up and I suppose whatever makes them feel better about themselves in regards to their feelings towards her made them look like genuine friends but like most things on social media it's all bullshit and lies.

I knew eventually my name would come up because there isn't a hope in hells chance that she would not have mentioned meeting me to nobody. I'm almost certain she would have reached out to you, Katie but there's no way of me knowing that as you've blocked me, so I can't see what the fuck you know about our meeting or whether or not I'm slightly panicking over nothing.

Then it dawned on me. I had a plan.

I picked up my phone and called Danny, he would be the only person I could trust not to ask too many questions, I mean I'm sure he would have a few but I could bat them away quite easily, he wouldn't question why I needed this, he knew me well enough to know that I was still infatuated by you. He knew that you were still the one my heart was intended for.

"Hey Tommy! What's up? In need of a visit to the pub, I hope?"

I swear to Christ, if this man had the money to own a pub he would. All he ever wants to do is drink. If he saved up the money he had spent in pubs in the last 18 years, he have had enough to buy the place 30 times over.

"Haha, no mate. I just want to ask you a favour."

A slight pause. "If it's money, you need mate, you're barking up the wrong tree."

Why do people always assume it's money you want when you ask for a favour?

I let out a laugh before replying. "No, nothing like that and trust me, you would be the last person I'd come to!"

"Good to know. At least my money is safe. So, if it isn't about money or going for a drink. What do you want because I'll admit, this small talk is boring me."

I absolutely loved Danny's sense of humour, it was so dry and so blunt that it was difficult not to love him for it, I know a few people were put off of him almost instantly due to it but it was something I always loved about him and always will.

"I take it you've heard about Nicola?"

"Yeah, I saw something pop up on Facebook about her missing or something? Anyway, what do you care? You hated her? I thought you would be glad she was missing?"

See, he knows me far too well, Katie. He knew for years I wanted her gone.

"True but it's not the main reason I'm calling, I couldn't care less if she has had an argument with her fella and fucked off. I'm surprised she hasn't coming knocking at your door, if I'm honest. It wouldn't be the first time, would it?"

I leave the question hanging in the air. Danny and Nicola had always had a thing for each other even when we were in school.

It was probably due to us Katie. Wasn't it? The reason they grew so close? We were so invested in each other that it was only natural that they would levitate to one another given the times they were forced into the same company together by following us two around.

"I never slept with her, Tommy."

I couldn't help but laugh as he seemed genuinely pissed off. "Hold on, not once as that ever left my lips. I was just saying you two had a thing together in school and it was cute."

"Don't remind me." He replied trying to brush it off.

I wasn't lying though, they did have a short relationship in school and it was cute. They looked like they really suited although in the back of my mind, I felt she was using him to worm her way further into my life to make it even more of a misery than she already had. There literally was no escaping her back then.

"Anyway, I'm not here to talk about your past relationships. I need you to do me a favour."

"Go on then. You've said it twice already without even telling me what you want."

So impatient at times. "Are you friends with Katie on Facebook?"

I could sense the eye roll through the phone. "Jesus, Tom! Seeing that girl in the pub really has got you thinking about her again hasn't it?"

If only he knew!

"Are you friends or not?" I ask becoming impatient with his rambling.

"Erm yeah, I think so. Why?"

"Check for me, please." I ask.

"Tom, just fucking message her if you want to get in touch with her so bad. But for the love of God, please be careful. If Ellie finds out, she will cut your balls off."

Laughing way to hard at his remark because I knew that's exactly what Ellie would do.

She knows about you, Katie. I couldn't hide her from you but she doesn't think I'd ever be that stupid and I wouldn't, I love her but I just can't let you go. I never will.

"It's not like that, I think she's blocked me as I can't find her on Facebook anymore, so I just wanted you to see if you can see her on there."

With a soft huff he agreed to check.

As I waited for him to load up his friends list, I knew what I had to do.

"Yeah, she's still on there. Mate, what did you do for her to block you? You didn't start sending her illicit pictures, did you? Because if you did, that's a desperate cry for attention, buddy."

"Fuck off, Danny. As if I would send her photos! She already knows what she is missing out on. Her loss mate."

"You keep telling yourself that, Tom. Tell yourself it much more, you might start believing it. Is there anything else I can help you with, detective?"

A wry smile appears on my face as the call was coming to an end. "No, I've clearly used up enough of your precious time already. Take it easy, speak soon."

"Laters." And with that the phone goes dead.

With Danny confirming what I already knew, it was time to take the next step in getting closer to you again, Katie. This plan would work, I'd bet my life on it.

I opened up Facebook, clicking on 'Open New Account'

Thanks to the power of the internet, I already had access to the pictures I needed and the profile didn't take too long to set up.

I found your account, Katie. I still can't quite believe you had blocked me in the first place but I'd find that out soon enough too, if you were willing to play along.

I smile as I press on the add button next to your name. You should really use your own face on your profile, rather than your kids. Your face is perfect and deserves to be ok show for the world to see, I knew the notification would now be on your account. You might be over me Katie, but are you over him?

I tried to imagine your face would you smile? Or would you look a little confused when you got around to seeing...

'Bradley McMullins has added you as a Friend.'


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