Chapter 44

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As much as I wanted to run as fast as I could back to the chapel to watch his poor little face being driven away in the back of a police car, I decided against it. I didn't want to look too smug about the situation, it would only lead to people, especially you Katie looking in my direction and not in a good way.

You may already have thought that this was something to do with me, given that you were the one who tried to frame me initially and technically you'd be right and I'm sure you'll pass your judgement on when I finally do catch up with you all in the pub but for now I thought it would be best to keep myself out of the ongoing situation.

Instead I made my way directly to the pub, being the first one in there had its advantages. I could grab myself a beer with no line at the bar and I could pick the best table with the ideal vantage point of overseeing everyone once they were here.

Finally finding the perfect spot, I hear the murmur of a group of people entering the pub. I don't recognise anyone but the volume of chatter is high, clearly all buzzing from the excitement that I missed at the chapel. All of a sudden, Nicola has been put to the back of everyone's mind for the time being.

"Surely, he wouldn't have the balls to do something like that and turn up to her funeral"

"If he did, I know who's funeral is going to be next"

"Sick bastard!"

I could just about make up some of the conversations being had at the bar as the poor women behind the bar were suddenly rushed off of their feet. All fingers were now pointing in one direction and that direction was no longer towards me.

Finally, Danny arrived, scurrying over to me like a child towards their presents under the tree on Christmas morning. "Where the fuck have you been?" He appears breathless as he picks up the pint waiting for him on the table.

I watch as he gulps half of it down in seconds. "You're welcome" I smirk as he finally sits down and leans towards me. "You don't think it was him do you?"

I shrug my shoulders. "They must have something on him, they wouldn't arrest him without some sort of evidence."

Fortunately for me, I knew exactly what they had on him. On my way home that fateful night, I may have 'accidentally' planted the LED mask that was used and possibly the registration plate of her car that I took as a trophy on the grounds of his house, actually it was just a bush in his garden but there's no need to go into details.

You see, the police were still sniffing around me, Katie. I can't pretend I didn't see the unmarked police cars sitting outside my house day and night. I genuinely thought that officer muscles had bought my story but obviously not so I had to throw them off of the scent. Unfortunately for Ricky, that scent led them directly to the bush in his garden and it looks like they found gold. Okay, so it wasn't so much a scent, it was more like a phone call from me, tipping them off. But let's not split hairs on the finer details of how he ended up in the back of that police car, let's just sit here for the afternoon judging and bitching about him. And he did kinda bring on himself, he posted a lot about his house on his Facebook account, so it made it pretty easy for me to find. Silly boy.

In doing this though, I was now running on borrowed time. Once they ran forensics on the mask, the skin cells they find wouldn't be his...obviously, so in doing this, I was only digging my own grave and it wouldn't be long until he was released without charge and they would come sniffing again. So I had to move fast but before I found myself being chained in the steel of those handcuffs, I still had some crosses to bare that needed sorting out before I ran out of time.

"Caroline, what a pleasure it is to see you again so soon." I stand up as she approaches.

"Fuck off, Tommy."

I grab her arm as she walks past our table. "No seriously, look I was out of order earlier and I'd like to apologise. I actually felt so guilty that on my way here, I picked you up your favourite coffee as an olive branch. Double shot, vanilla latte still your coffee of choice?" I say smiling, handing her the now lukewarm cup.

"Yeah, it is but why?" She accepts the cup and looks down at it like I had just handed her a steaming pile of dog shit into her palm.

"Look, if today has taught me anything, it's that life is too short to hold grudges and keep arguments and bad blood amongst people, so even though we probably will never see eye to eye, the least we can do is be civil when we see each-other and I know it's not a huge gesture but please accept it and let's move on with our lives, yeah?" I could see Danny giving me a weird look out of the corner of my eye.

"Well in that case, thank you and I agree let's wipe the slate clean."

I nodded and watched as she walked away happily sipping from the cup, turning to see you, Katie giving me almost the same identical look that I was receiving from Danny.

"What was all that about?" He asked intently with his eyes squinting towards me.

"Honestly, I'm bored of arguing with her. It's been too long, I'm over it now."

He shrugged his shoulders. Not sure whether he bought it or not but I didn't care, this was my business.

Speaking of business, I watched as you grabbed your drink from the bar, Katie and sat alone at a table two away from us. This was my chance but was it too soon? Would eyes be on us? Or has the drama of the day given us a clear shot at making up?

"Katie!" I shouted over at you and you looked up, our eyes meeting once more. The butterflies in my stomach flapping  around like crazy. The fire in my pit, reignited as we looked into each others eyes again. "Do you want to come and sit with us?"

I pulled out the chair beside me but you politely declined. "I'll be over in a little while, I just need a bit of time by myself but thank you."

You smiled sweetly and I could sense the pain in your being. It was difficult to sit back and watch you struggling but I understood and respected your decision. I knew at some point today, we'd have our chat, you couldn't get away from me that easily. Not this time.

"Do you not get bored of her rejecting you? Even after all these years?" Danny tried making light of the clearly awkward situation I had found myself in. And I couldn't help but laugh, it's the way our relationship worked and why we had been friends for so long. If we were nice to one another, that's when I'd worry.


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