Chapter 21

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What surprised me wasn't how quickly you added him, I mean it was only 10 minutes or so but what really shocked me was how quickly you messaged him after adding him.

Did you get those butterflies in your stomach? Did it bring back feelings you thought had disappeared?

Whatever it was Katie, it made you look desperate! You had a husband and kids now, so why would you be so quick to dig up the past and jump on Bradley again?

As much as it bothered me inside, I was fighting with the joy coursing through my body at the same time.

I finally had you to myself again.

'Hey Bradley! How are you????'

I fought with everything I had not to open straight up and asking why you blocked me, but I had to remember I wasn't being me anymore, I was a character. God, this cat fishing is hard work and I've only just started. How do people do this for years?

I didn't respond instantly, I was supposed to be new to this platform, I had to play it cool and pretend I was still trying to figure it all out.

It took me a few hours to finally get back to you, it was late evening and Ellie had just left to go to one of her many gym classes. Not complaining at all, it kept her body looking in pristine condition as she kissed me goodbye I remembered why this was the woman I chose to settle down with, her smell, her perfect body, her beautiful smile. Everything about this woman was perfect and I didn't deserve her but why all these years later am I still hung up on you, Katie?

As I sat with my feet stretched out on the sofa, the kids sound asleep, with only the TV on in the background keeping me company I decided I needed your company. Just the two of us. Like the good old days.

'Hey Katie! Sorry it took me so long to reply. Still trying to work this all out. Can't believe I'm so late to the Facebook party. I'm doing well thank you! Hope you are too? I see some lucky man has managed to tie you down and you're children are adorable!'

Maybe I went a little overboard too soon but I didn't care. I was excited and needed as much back from you as possible. I needed to open that line of communication.

You wasn't as quick to reply this time around. This was the social media Katie I remembered, very rarely online and even rarer that you would post anything, this is why I hadn't realised you had blocked me. You were never the most avid of users. You tricked me and got away with it but I still don't understand why?

An hour had past and still nothing. My eyes were becoming heavy, struggling to stay awake but it was still early. I couldn't go to bed before Ellie came home that would just be rude. Maybe you were busy? Maybe you were running around after your husband and cooking dinner or something? I knew he worked in the hospital with you so maybe he was on a late shift and you were both putting the kids to bed like the good parents that I had no doubt you both were.

I decided to have a shower to try and wake myself up a little. As the warm stream of water crashed down on to my skin, I was alone and even more dangerously alone with my own thoughts. Closing my eyes as I enjoyed the water on me, all I could see was Nicola's face, her life being taken away from her with my own hands. I shouldn't have felt as good as I did as I flashed back to her final moments. Watching years and years of this woman ruining my hopes and dreams just by being around and alive but she couldn't get in the way any more. I was free to find you again without the worry of her showing up and ruining our moment.

I could sense our moment together was edging closer but I had to play it cool, I couldn't rush this. This could well be my last opportunity and this time I wasn't going to blow it.

The shower had done the trick and I was ready to see the remainder of the evening out with a clear head.

Throwing myself back down on to the sofa with an ice cold beer. I checked my phone and you had replied, although I'd have to bide my time as Ellie had just walked back through the door. I needed to play this safely, I couldn't risk Ellie finding out and questioning why I have a fake Facebook account, that would open up too many questions I didn't need to be answering right now.

"Hey baby." Crouching down to kiss my lips as she threw her gym bag down before crashing down beside me on the sofa.

"Good session?"

She looked at me with her rosy cheeks, her hair still damp from sweat. "I'm so tired. Spinning class always kills me. I should really go and have a shower rather than sweating on the sofa."

"Yeah, I have to agree. Don't want the sofa stinking!" Poking my tongue out as she stands.

"Kids stay asleep?"

"Yeah, not a peep out of either of them. Go and have a shower, I'll have your protein shake ready for when you come back down." Tapping her on her ass as she began to walk away.

"Thanks! You're the best."

I shrug and smirk. "I know. You got lucky with me, missy!"

Walking into the kitchen checking my phone was still securely in my pocket, leaning back against the counter waiting for the bathroom door to lock before pulling my phone up and pulling the message up.

'I'm good thank you and yes I'm all married off and thank you, they may look cute but trust me they're not as angelic as they appear! It's nice to hear from you again. Married? Kids of your own?

By the way, have you heard about Nicola? I can't believe it! I'm in shock.'

And there it was.

The opening I needed. The bait had been taken without having to do much to prise it from you myself. I could feel us inching closer to that face to face meeting I had craved.

You had caught me out though. I didn't know if Bradley was married or whether he had kids or not? But the question is would someone you know, knew that information and you already knew the answer but didn't want to act like you knew? Shit!

I had to dodge it. I had to use Nicola as leverage to keep this conversation going and hope you do not realise I've skipped over information you may really want to know.

'I have heard about Nicola, she is the reason I decided to join Facebook, anything I can do to help look for her, I'd be more than willing to help. I'm sure she's fine but I just can't sit back without helping, she was a good friend to a lot of us. Please keep me in the loop with everything and I will do all I can to help.'

That should be enough to keep you distracted from me ignoring your questions.


The evening was drawing to a close, Ellie had polished off her after gym protein shake and salad. I wish I had her focus to stay in shape. I wasn't in bad shape but I could always do a little bit more.

It was only 10pm but both of us were struggling to keep our eyes open. Assuming that any night time activities were off of the menu when we did finally head up to bed.

No new notifications on my phone.

Were you planning any night time fun tonight, Katie? Had seeing and speaking to Bradley made you want to take your husband to bed to imagine he was one of your childhood sweethearts?

I decided to give up for tonight and hopefully when I wake in the morning I'd see your beautiful face in my newly created inbox.

My plan of heading to bed was cut short all too soon as the 10 o'clock news began on the TV.

The opening headline really catching my attention.

"Man charged with Philippa Knowles Murder"


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